So is Europe going to war with the United States?
Often written and talked about is Article 5 of the NATO agreement, which says that an attack on one is...
Often written and talked about is Article 5 of the NATO agreement, which says that an attack on one is...
I was talking with a business associate in London, England and asked her if the British government was going to...
So the plot thickens. It's clear that Ukraine means nothing more than acquiring assets for President Trump. The senile former...
As you know, President Trump has said that the Gaza residents should be "relocated" and then Israel takes over more...
So Israel and Hamas have a truce, broadly speaking, so there will be a prisoner/hostage swap and a "negotiated" end...
So how will he do it. Easy... unlike our senile no-solution current president, Mr. Biden. The problem is how can...
I'm sure that you heard over and over again that the presidential race was "too close to call?" Just...
No, this article is not about the smoke-and-mirrors ploy that the press is always talking about... ballot corruption and fraud,...
For some reason, almost certainly senility, President Biden hasn't got the message. What message is that? It's that he...
I had to laugh when I read that newspaper heading. What the missing word between Zelenskyy and victory is, ...
As you know, Israel activated a large number of pagers and walkie-talkies "bombs" that exploded killing or wounding their...
As you know it's a neck and neck race with President Trump and Kamala Harris. I suspect that there...
No, I'm not suggesting joining a milita, army or similar since you won't get rich doing that... and maybe get...
So let me get this straight... the feckless Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, who is always blinking in fear,...
So the "beloved leader," Benjamin Netenyahu ), aka, the Yahoo of Israel thinks that killing tens of thousands of innocent...
Soon after the Hamas attacks across the southern Israeli border, the politicians are talking about Iran helping plan and approving...
They say that history is written by the victors, not the defeated. This is part two of this article, The...
So President Zelenskyy visited the UN, the White House and anywhere else he could continue his begging. I hope he... I had to laugh that during the Republican debate pantomime a few days ago, where Republican candidates for the...
If the Russian generals will stop drinking Vodka for breakfast, this is how the Russia will win and we'll have...
This is a difficult article to write, as I am Jewish. But write it I must. Why? It's because Israel...
At the recent NATO meeting, Mr. Zelenskyy started to whine and moan again because he didn't get his way. Yet...
If you watch or listen to the news it's often not what you hear, but what you don't hear that...
As Forrest Gump said in his movie - Stupid is, as Stupid Does, our government continues the escalating proxy war...
As you may know, the United States lives on borrowed money. Not just the citizens who live by the phrase...
I don't think so, and I am surprised that he was even indicted. Anything to stop him running for president......
So now the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for President (known to his enemies as (Ras))Putin...
I seriously doubt that President Trump will be arrested tomorrow, although mere mortals would have long been arrested, tried, convicted...
If you read this BBC article about a Ukrainian (not Russian) investigative journalist, you will find about his expose of...
As you know, once our House and Senate representatives have lied their way into office, it is very, very difficult...
Stupid is as stupid does. That's from the movie snippet that you can see here. Or just click on this...
I read an article saying that the Russians are stating that the reason ~100 soldiers died in the blast that...
George Santos has been caught lying about his background after being elected last month to Congress. He will be sworn...
So the outgoing governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey is determined to continue his political career probably as a federal senator...
As you may have read, a rocket landed a few miles inside of the Polish border and killed two people....
I love visiting pyramids in Mexico. In particular, the amazing pyramids of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan just outside...
You may have read that Russia withdrew from the deal allowing Ukraine to export grain, after its Black Sea fleet... How did this happen? Liz Truss, the former Foreign Secretary known for making blunder after blunder gets elected to...
You may have noticed that the west is still at war with Russia, although largely forgotten about in the U.S....
If you read this Reuters story that will probably never see exposure in the U.S. media or be buried deliberately...
The amazing southern border wall that was recently built at a taxpayer boondoggle expense of "only" fifteen thousand million dollars...
Why not, "We the People" as enshrined in the opening sentence of the United States 1787 Constitution? It's because Americans...
For some reason, our self centered politicians have not thought of the simple method to resolve the assault weapons debate....
No, this article is not about why the Uvalde police were incompetent, only concerned about their own safety with their...
Now that our interest in Ukraine has gone far down the (editorialized) news list, succumbing to better entertainment news -...
Of course, this is a biblical reference to Luke 23:34, but applies to our obviously senile president, the man with...
Of course, this should happen if the Russians develop some sense, and here's how they can do it. As you...
As you know the west, under US direction, is sanctioning anything and everything Russian. The (what passes for a) plan...
If you've been reading or watching the hysterical "news" coverage of the Russian conflict with Ukraine, that I wrote about...
As expected, since the west continues to insist that Ukraine can join NATO, Russia is making its move to take...
When I was a kid, I can still remember that my parents were really worried that the United States and...
You may have read or watched the news that the world's number one tennis player, Novak Djokovic has been denied...
No, this isn't a religious article from Luke 23:34. It's about our politicians, and also many of the "global leaders"...
If you watch the relentless, vacuous national news shows you'll notice that they are constantly pitching "take your shots, jabs,...
I hear lots of talk about needing a term limit constitutional amendment to get rid of our federal politicians as...
Now that we have informally lost the war, conflict in Afghanistan and blamed it on (what passed for) the Afghan...
Since I live in Mexico as well as the United States I thought it important to open a Mexican bank...
While our government is claiming that we haven't lost the Afghanistan "war," it's obvious we have. You may have noticed...
I read an interesting article in USA Today, that you can read at the bottom of this article, about some...
Yes, our government is flushing huge amounts of money down the toilet. I've written before about these huge bailouts, but...
Now that the show impeachment trial our former pyrrhic President Trump, is over, with its foregone conclusion, what's next? Mr....
Marjorie Taylor Greene has accomplished her goal after being sworn in as a congresswoman last month! And what was that?...
The Atlanta, Georgia based CDC has done it again. I wrote before about the agency's bad (what passes for) decisions in...
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king’s horses and all the king’s...
Now that our feckless Dear Leader, in German - Lieber Führer, will be forcibly removed from the White House soon,...
It is often said in the United States that ... " we are a nation of laws..." The unspoken part...
It goes without saying that our election system is ridiculously corrupt. That primary elections are one significant source of corruption...
It's simple. 1 Forfeit their pensions if they stay in office in Washington, feeding at the public trough, for...
I listen to C-Span every morning and hear the occasional caller talk about how E-Verify will solve our illegal immigration...
No, the CDC graphic is not coronavirus. It's plain old flu! Part One I looked at the CDC report on...
First, let me state that the purpose of being a government employee is to have a job... forever. Or at...
Part I Screwed. If you have excitedly received or are awaiting your "huge" $1,200 free money bailout check that our...
If you've visited a Walmart, or similar store recently you may have noticed that all of the store employees are...
It's simple. And even President Trump should be able to understand the plan. I think. It's all about the money....
About five years ago I sent hundreds of baby pacifiers to every member of Congress, House and Senate and asked...
I know that we are all fatigued with our government trying to get us to "hide under our beds," as...
If you've read or watched the news you'll find a story about how the CDC is blocking almost any eviction...
As I wrote before, we need to "forgive them, they know not what they do." I was referring to global...
In a word or two, government stupidity. Our federal government's (alleged) leaders are only interested in money and power. The...
You've probably heard the phrase "money in circulation?" If so, you've probably never thought about what it means. It means... I've watched the coverage of this "historic peace deal" that reminds me of our disastrous wars, more accurately "conflicts"...
Part II So here's why the banks fell over themselves to fund the huge, forgivable loans these businesses received. The...
When I was a kid, my dad took me out in the family car where I sat on the front...
Have you wondered why our Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson is talking about meeting with the North Koreans and President...
If you ever watch the TV shows filmed in Africa, I'm sure that you have seen something like this -...
Not a politician. Really? Still looking for donations after dropping out. Really? And these images are from his web site,...
My hands are up... I surrender! As you know, there is no love lost between the Democrats and the Republicans....
No they won't but not for the reasons you may think... it's all about the money. Always was, and always...
If you look closely at this photograph, what do you see? You'll see a portion of the Great Wall of...
Assuming that you live to eighty, the chances are that you'll become a slave! What do I mean by slavery?...
So President Trump has a problem. The Democrats won this skirmish when President Trump cave'd and funded the government for...
For selfish reasons, our alleged "leaders" including President Trump do not want to end the government employee shutdown over funding...
I have been feeling generous recently and giving away One Hundred Trillion dollar, Federal Reserve notes and just sent...
Welcome to the greatest show on earth. PT Barnum II vs Kim Jong-un, coming to a theater near you! You'll...
If President Trump has any sense, setting up the proposed meeting with Kim Jong-un - North Korea's supreme leader, that meeting...
If you want to be saddened about how African poachers are indiscriminately killing elephants, rhinos and anything else that moves...
Let's say that you and two friends go to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. After reviewing the menu, you ask...
The problem (or at least one of many) is voter fatigue. It is one thing to vote once for a...
I watched this C-Span book TV show with Representative Ken Buck, Republican from Colorado, who wrote a book - Drain...
Editor's note. The national debt as of March 2020, is twenty three and a half trillion. With the latest panic...