The Fourth Reich – Israel, and the new Warsaw Ghetto

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This is a difficult article to write, as I am Jewish. But write it I must. Why?

It’s because Israel is going down the same path as Germany… electing a right wing prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu who may want to change his first name to Adolf! If you read about his political history, you’ll be shocked.

Sig heil!

So why is Israel, allegedly a democratic (soon to be demo(n)cratic) country, where nearly one third of the public is thinking of leaving, turning to government sponsored extremism and blatant disregard for international laws?

Israel’s government is becoming more and more right wing, and is sytematically trying to destroy the Palestinians, in the same way that Hitler’s Germany slowly made being Jewish a crime and subhuman which eventually resulted in mass murder.

They have trapped two million Palestinians in a modern day Warsaw Ghetto, the Gaza Strip measuring 25 by 6 miles or 150 square miles, that Israeli aircraft and soldiers enter when they want and start killing people, all labeled terrorists, even children.

Although I don’t think that the Israeli government will use a “final solution” for the Palestinian problem, like gas chambers or using firing squads, but they will do everything else possible to destroy them.

It’s not the Israeli public, it’s the new neo-facist goverment lead by its new führer, Benjamin Netanyahu. As I proposed ten years ago, The U.S. needs to buy private coastal land on the Texas coast, give it to Israel as “New Israel” so the Israeli public can get out of Israel into the new promised land and live in peace. They will also do wonders for the U.S. economy.

And it’s the same for the occupied West Bank, seized during the Six Day War. Israeli settlers can remove Palestinian property owners in this area, and build houses without any consequences. They even kill them at will, and nothing happens!

Perhaps these Israeli settlers will start wearing Star of David arm bands on black shirts and carry sticks to beat whomever they like.

Nineteen thirties, here we go again.

And the United States, completely ignores these problems, as U.S. politicians fear not being reelected due to the Israeli lobby, and just look the other way, while sending money and weapons to Israel.
