So you think that Ukraine is not stealing our money? Ha ha ha

Hiding in his bunker

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If you read this BBC article about a Ukrainian (not Russian) investigative journalist, you will find about his expose of the ongoing corruption in Ukraine.

It says that “… 11 officials have either resigned or been sacked as Kyiv tries to tackle government corruption…” That implies that the innocent, former comedian turned politician, turned “Winston Churchill” lookalike, savior of all humanity, had suddenly discovered that his government is corrupt!

Imagine that!

President Zelenskyy has forced the resignation of these officials and, I suspect, hopes that this Ukrainian journalist doesn’t dig too deeply into Zelenskyy’s finances.

If he does, it will cause an uproar in Washington, if the U.S. puppet press reports on it. And that will either be the end of Ukrainian military and financial support (minus Ukrainian commissions), but Zelenskyy will be allowed to retire to California anyway. Anything to avoid losing votes in the next election cycle here.

So Zelenskyy will have to start shopping for his $50 million California mansion using his savings from the ~$1,000 montly government salary that he makes.

As Forrest Gump said in the 1994 movie, Forrest Gump – “Stupid is as stupid does.” That’s Washington in action.

There will be a lot of embarrased western politicans over this.

Watch the story develop…