How the national debt may be used to let Russia win

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As you may know, the United States lives on borrowed money. Not just the citizens who live by the phrase – “Live now, pay later” but our government as well.

Being reelected to Congress enough times to collect a huge federal pension, and being invited to sit on corporate boards for very large stipends after they retire, fat and happy, the never ending squabble of increasing the national debt through increases in the authorized borrowing power is a spectacle to behold.

Until now, every time the National Debt, currently $31.5 TRILLION, the squabble begins, it ends with a last minute “compromise” with the public sold down the river… again and again and again.

Just so you know how reckless our governmet is, in 2000 the debt was $5.7 TRILLION, 55% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, GDP. It’s about SIX times that in 2022 and 123% of GDP! See here for details. And even worse, our interest payments on the debt over the next ten years will be MORE ($10.5 TRILLION) than our national debt was in 2008!

Do our alleged leaders really care? No. It’s just theater that’s really focussed on reelection.

But this time is different. For some reason Russia has not given up in Ukraine, nor will, and our government is getting tired of first President Zelenskyy begging for shiny toys to kill Russians, to more recently demands. I suspect minus his commission. He is now “entitled.”

This war has caused global inflation, massive deaths on both sides of the war, civilian and mititary, and no end in sight. I expect Russia to eventually crush Ukraine, with Zelenskyy being evacuated, for the good of Ukraine (of course), loaded with Bitcoin in cold wallets. He’ll start a new life in California, be invited on TV shows as a celebrity and no one will ask how he paid for his $50 million mansion. Especially not the U.S. government. Remember, we are a nation of laws… selectively applied.

So, I suspect that we could really default this time! Why?

That will be the reason (excuse) to abandon Ukraine and blame the opposing political party for anything and everything. As you may have realized, the United States has a two party system, not so they can provide a different way of governing. It’s so that when it goes right, once in a while, the ruling party takes the credit and when it goes wrong, the other party is to blame… so vote for me.

So as soon as we stop sending lethal toys to Ukraine, our supplicant European political slaves will stop as well, and Russia will quickly take over Ukraine. And there will be peace. Then the national debt will be quickly reauthorized and the blame game will begin again. Yawn.

We shall see.