As applied to global politicians, Forrest Gump was correct!

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Stupid is as stupid does. That’s from the movie snippet that you can see here. Or just click on this video –

So every time, (who we name), Ras-Putin gains ground, the west’s stupid misguided politicians, including our rapidly mentally declining president, Mr. Biden, announces shipping new (actually, obsolete old), weapons for the Ukrainian army to use to kill Russians.

It’s so the western government agencies can study our weapons effectiveness versus the Russian weapons, and provide jobs for the domestic defense industries. Fortunately, it’s only the Ukrainians and Russians are dying, so from the west’s point of view, it’s okay.

It a simple proxy war. What’s not to like, from the west’s point of view?

What they don’t consider is that the Russians under Ras-Putin don’t like it. They thought a quick change of power in Ukraine would stop them from joining NATO and having western nukes on their doorstep. So now, Mr. Putin is bogged down with a real war, not of his making.

So, I think his patience is wearing thin.

Therefore I expect him to up the ante and use an EMP weapon over Kiev (and perhaps several simultaneously, over other cities) , which will destroy many of the electrical and communication devices and mess up Kiev’s ability to direct the Ukrainian armed forces. That some people will die, will be a “too bad” afterthought, and justified by the U.S. use of nukes in Japan to kill lots of people versus demonstrating their power offshore.

The Ukrainian weakness is supply chains in Ukraine that Russia, for some reason, have not destroyed. You can’t send in tanks using Uber so the Russians know how they are entering Ukraine. The other weakness is that if you destroy military communications, you win. And Russia can easily do that.

If the U.S. thinks of retaliating, then one or more U.S. bases in Germany will vanish as well as other targets. Washington will not risk that, as Washington will be at serious risk, and therefore unacceptable.

And there is always the chance that North Korea will trigger many of its nukes stored in tunnels under the main South Korea US military base, which will kill over thirty thousand U.S. soldiers instantly, and lead to a quick invasion. Bye, South Korea.

Same for China, not to miss its opportunity for the second time, to take over Taiwan.

It just takes an incident to get a dramatic escalation. And escalate it will.

Or Ras-Putin will provide Iran with nuclear weapons as a part of the drone deal, (for self defense only, of course) pointed at Israel but not able to be used without the control passcodes that the Russians will use to “lock” the weapons. If the Iranians “crack” the codes, then the Russians can claim innocence after the catastrophic consequences.

Another proxy war in action.

So the only real solution, without thousands more Ukrainian civilians dying is for the shyster Zelenskyy to resign (for the good of Ukraine, of course) and run to California with possibly billions of dollars he “saved” from his $1,000 a month salary. All in a Bitcoin cold wallet in his pocket.

Washington will pour accolades for Zelenskyy’s “sacrifice,” or more accurately sacrificing Ukrainian citizens, and Russia will win at a far greater cost than expected. Don’t worry, Zelenskyy will be on the talk shows and perhaps restart his career as a comedian! Yes, he was one in Ukraine. To paraphrase our president. “… not a joke.”

And neither Washington, nor the press, will say anything bad about Zelenskyy and only damn Ras-Putin for winning. How could he?

Far too embarrassing.