How to make the impossible possible

As you may have heard, I am running for Congress in four states simultaneously. Why? Because at sixty-four, I don’t have the time left to run every two years until I get it right. As you get older, you eventually realize that time is not on your side. So being elected this cycle will give me time to fix our broken government.
A Washington Post story about the impossible. Click the image for the video.
I am not doing this as a career move, like many others who treat being your “leaders” as a wise business and career strategy. I’m doing it because I have to. I have to help stop the squabbling in Washington, enact legislation that will make our nation strong again and then leave office.
The Founding Fathers didn’t think that being a Congressman was a career choice. They thought that it was something you did for love of country and then left.
That’s the way I think.
If you vote for the other challengers in each district that I’m running in, you’ll be voting for the same type of politicians that we already have in Washington. Albert Einstein once wrote – Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That’s how the public typically votes. They elect the same people again and again and expect a different outcome. You get more of the same.
Some say that want I want to do is impossible. I don’t believe in that word. I believe that the impossible is possible. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper checked my claims about doing the impossible, and found that they were true. I am doing the impossible. I’m not finished doing the impossible.
Click the image for the story.
It’s just that the impossible hasn’t been done before. Nobody has run for congressional office in multiple states at the same time, until someone made the impossible possible. I have, and am.
The sad part of my running in four states for a House seat is that federal senators will no longer be obliged to surrender their House seat to run for an open Senate seat in their state. They’ll just run in a different state and keep their House seat unless they win the Senate race elsewhere. That means fewer new candidates, as it’s almost impossible to depose an incumbent. I have a fix for that as well… if elected.
Since announcing my run in my home state of Georgia, I am working on running in Michigan, Minnesota and Hawaii. Why? Because if I fail to win the very early primary in Georgia next year, I’ve have a good chance of winning in one of the other states.
My other campaign websites are –
As I wrote above, at sixty-four most people are planning their retirements. I am not. Why? Because with an estimated ten years left, I see our financial collapse in four or five years and will do everything I can to stop it before I’m gone.
Why should I be concerned for future generations as we don’t have children; when our retirement is secure and we should be thinking about travel, pursuing hobbies and having fun? Because I am proud and humbled to be living in the United States of America.
I was born and educated in London, England and naturalized as an American citizen in the ’70s, I am always aware of what a privilege it is to live in this wonderful, energetic nation. I don’t take it for granted, and will do everything I can to make the 21st century a successful one for the United States. That’s my way of saying thank you.
Unfortunately, the way that Washington is behaving, it won’t be a successful twenty-first century. Support my candidacy in these four states, and if elected I will do everything I can to put our nation back on track. If you don’t offer campaign donations, volunteer support and your votes, at least I’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that I tried.
I don’t like failing, so trying is not good enough. Success in the election is. Being elected is just the first step to climbing the mountain… of problems caused by Washington. As you know, our government lies. Do we lie down with them, or stand up for the truth? Please, stand up with me and help.
The Greek philosopher, Archimedes once wrote “Give me a lever long enough, a fulcrum strong enough and I’ll move the world” Give me an opportunity to fix our nation’s problems and I’ll work hard to steer our nation away from financial collapse to a brighter future.
If elected, you’ll give me the lever; forming a caucus of like minded congresspeople will be my fulcrum and then, I’ll work to move our nation back onto a solid financial track and away from the cliff edge of the next Great Depression. If you don’t believe that it’s coming, look back to when the financial system froze up in 2007-08. In a matter of days, Hank Paulson our Treasury Secretary asked for and got nearly one trillion dollars to stop a total collapse. It will happen again. I give us about five years.
Great Britain surrendered the British Pound as the world’s reserve currency as the U.S. forced them to; it was a condition of financially bailing them out in 1944. The U.K. had run out of money to fight the war and so was cornered.
We are about to be cornered by China and will surrender the dollar as the global reserve currency to the Chinese Yuan, so unless I can fix the problem we’ll be using communist currency with Chairman Mao‘s face on it to settle our international financial bills. The Chinese will be laughing at the joke and how stupid our politicians are. I won’t be.
Please read some of my articles to your right. There are almost two hundred of them on almost every topic imaginable. I write the truth. You may not agree with some of them, but they are the truth, like them or not.
You can only do your best in life, and I want to do the best for the country. It’s now or never.