Classified US Defence Department documents leaked… but on purpose?

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You have probably read or watched on the news how dozens of classified US Defence Department documents were “leaked” detailing the huge numbers of weapons that the west has supplied Ukraine as well as lots of details about casualties, reserves and other interesting information. Apparently the leaked documents did not address Ukraine’s counter-offensive scheduled to begin in a few weeks.

So the question is… is this real or is this a redo, in process, of how Hitler was fooled into sending his soldiers to the wrong location before D-Day. D-Day was when the allies, on June 6, 1944, invaded Europe landing in Normandy and ultimately defeated the German army in the west and Russia, in the east with massive casualties.

It was called Operation Fortitude

So we won’t know until… suddenly more documents are leaked (probably by the CIA) showing Zelenskyy’s “battle plans,” where and when. The idea is that Russia will send its soldiers were the Ukrainians will attack from and the real counter offensive will be elsewhere.

Of course, the second leak could be via a Russian agent who was “secretly” given the documents to pass to Moscow. If that happens, we won’t know until we see what the Russian opposition is to Ukraine’s counter offensive once Zelenskky has begged for (never) enough weapons.

The Ukrainians are getting crushed. They know it, we know it and the western governments know it as well.

But if the “leak” becomes public, then it’s a ruse and if the Russian generals will stop drinking vodka for breakfast long enough, then perhaps they will hedge their bets and plan for a possible deception.

Russia will not give up. It isn’t in their nature.

We shall see… or maybe not,