Why the Republicans lost the Obamacare fight

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Although the Republicans had a worthy ideal – stopping funding of Obamacare by delaying it for another year, it failed.

The idea was that if the funding, and therefore the signups were delayed for a year then there was an ongoing chance to block it for good. Why did they want to do this? Because it’s like making an omelet. Once you have cracked the eggs and made the omelet, you can’t unmake it and put the eggs back in the shells. It’s a one-way street.

Once the Obamacare signups get coverage and start making enormously expensive claims, it’s a done deal. You can’t go back. You can see how they’ll game the Obamacare here and part two of this legislation will close the “doughnut hole” here.

That’s why the president was adamant that the disaster moved forward. He could not let the Republicans stop his legacy legislation from staying on track. It will prove to be an expensive disaster, an economic train-wreck in the making.

Even Republican minority leader, Mitch McConnell who helped “craft” the Senate legislation to approve the budget and increase the debt ceiling, couldn’t help himself but got some massive pork barrel spending inserted into this emergency bill. He couldn’t let a crisis go to waste. It may be his undoing, but after nearly thirty years in office (huge pension), and over $10 million in his PAC that he can use to influence incumbents and challengers, what’s not for him to like?

On the other hand, as the American public’s collective memory can be measured in hours and not years it may not matter. Our elected (alleged) leaders depend on the public’s very short memory. When they create a crisis every week or two, people quickly forget the old ones. It’s an effective technique. The current government shutdown, the (effective) paid vacation of federal employees and the almost loss of our government’s ability to print vast amounts of money out of thin air will be quickly forgotten.

We’ll have so many crises between now and the primary season, that this shutdown will be a vague memory. Do you remember The Sequester? Point made.

So where did the Republican strategy go wrong? I think that combining the shutdown with the debt limit increase was strike one. It got too complicated. Strike two is that the Washington demi-gods politicians knew that they would risk their chances of reelection (all important) and President Obama did not. The president had nothing to lose, especially as his prized legislation was at risk, but the congresspeople did. Strike three was that the public make more noise at current events, than ones in the future.

The threat to our way of life today is far more important to the public than the threat after the next presidential election when our economy is scheduled (yes, scheduled) to collapse between 2016 and 2019. If elected next year, I’ll fix that. Yes, I really can by ending corporate taxes to make the United States a tax haven. Money and jobs will flood America. I think long term, not what’s for lunch like our alleged leaders in Washington.

I believe in natural cycles. You can’t breath in forever as the Federal Reserve thinks. You have to breath out as well. If you don’t believe it, just wait. You’ll find out the hard way after the next presidential election.

Elected congresspeople always have their eyes of the reelection ball. So they caved; they met their Waterloo. Unfortunately, Speaker Boehner did his usual job of not rallying the troops in the House so the Republicans were divided, while the Democrats were not. It appears that Senator Cruz did a better job of organizing the House Republicans than Boehner did. At worst, Cruz continues to get face time, and is now “hot” so he’ll ascend the ranks and will gain sycophants.

It was a failed mission, a bridge too far, from day one. And speaking of making omelets, much of those eggs got on the Republican faces.

Support my Republican candidacy and vote for me, if you want to see how to do the job properly. The current crop don’t have a clue. You know it, I know it but they don’t.