The border wall and other jokes. How it’s breached and won’t stop any political asylum seeker (or almost anyone else)

If you look closely at this photograph, what do you see?
You’ll see a portion of the Great Wall of China the United States with Border Patrol agents on both sides! Why is that?
It’s because the wall is not exactly on the border, but typically walls built inside of the United States. If it were exactly on the border as in metro San Diego, realistically it could not be built, as the contractors would be working in Mexico to work on the southern side. The Mexican government would not be happy.
So the walls are moved inside of our border where possible to accommodate the contractors and allow the Border Patrol to inspect both sides and to confiscate lots of long ladders that they find propped up against it (or them) on both sides. So many, that they just pile them up near their offices. I suspect that you can get a very good deal on long ladders if you visit our government’s surplus property website.
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When the Berlin Wall was built it was not on the border either, but built far enough inside East Germany so that the East German contractors could travel and work on the other side without being in West Berlin. I wonder how many ran west after doing their work?
Read this Washington Post article about how the completed border wall is just theater, and a waste of taxpayers money. Imagine that! Taxpayers money being wasted by our government! Not convinced? Read this.
The Great Wall of the United States doesn’t solve the problem, just places a band-aid on it to show something is being done. Totally ineffective, but entertaining!
This article describes how easy it is for smugglers to cut through (or climb over) the wall… in all of thirty minutes, including a ten minute lunch break for them to eat the delicious tacos de pollo that they make in Mexico.
And fortunately for the weapons smugglers, the idiotic wall design makes it really easy for weapons to be passed through the slats into Mexico!
But that’s not the point of this article. The point is that when people trek to our southern border and claim political asylum, they only have to be on US territory to make that claim. So even if they haven’t crossed the wall, they are still in the United States.
That means that once they have crossed the Rio Grande, or wherever they are technically in the United States before they get to the wall, or proposed wall so they just call on their cell phones and wait for the Border Patrol to show up, claim asylum and go into the system. The wall won’t make any difference to them. Calling the Border Patrol will save them time and effort so they can ask for a ride giving the wall markings or geographic co-ordinates that their phones will provide.
The drug and human smugglers will just continue to go over, under or through the wall. It will just be a nuisance, but will increase the prices that the smuggled will pay for the inconvenience. That’s all a $50 billion wasted money wall will do, make more money for the smugglers. It’s the law of unintended consequences in action. That and huge profits for the contractors that will build this silly, ineffective wall.
They will use drones on the southern side of the wall to check to see if the Border Patrol is anywhere to be seen. There is nothing that can be done about that.
If the border crossers really want a no hassle entry, the should just fly to Toronto, Canada and stroll across our northern border. Air fares are much cheaper than paying to be smuggled. Plus they can experience Canadian hospitality before the easy crossing.
And if you really don’t believe that our border wall is often not actually on the border read this story. Here’s a snippet –
There is a solution. I wrote about it here and doesn’t waste tens of billions on a useless wall. Hadrian tried it, the Chinese tried it, the Saudi’s tried it and so have many other nations. Walls don’t work. But it sounds like a good idea spewing lies when a presidential candidate wants to get elected… until you think about it. Not as though our president thinks about much except, perhaps his golf game.
Our politicians don’t want you to think about it, just vote them back in, do what you are told and keep rowing. Don’t worry, you’ll go down with the ship. They won’t.