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As you probably know, musical chairs is a game where people move in a circle around chairs enough for all but one player, while the music is playing. When the music stops, everyone tries to sit down. One person doesn’t get to a seat in time and loses. One chair is removed and the process begins again. Eventually, the winner is the person who sits on the last chair.


That’s how the world used to play the game.

Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s finance minister knew this game and quit even after the public voted to approve his referendum. The prime minister, Alexis Tsipras will likely abandon ship as well if he can complete the “kicking the can down the road” maneuver for a while. He needs the Troika, the bankers, to throw more good money after bad. They must relieve the immediate massive financial problems that Greece has. He can quit and let someone else sit in that seat.

The winners of the musical chairs game are the ones who aren’t sitting in the chair when the music stops. That’s why politicians are always relieved to get out of the chair before the music stops.

Someone has to take the blame, just not them.
