Smoke and mirrors in Greece

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I was wondering how the Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis would deal with a No vote. So did he. Although he said that he would resign if the Greek people voted Yes, when they voted No, he resigned anyway. Why?

He claims that he didn’t want to stand in the way of negotiations as the Troika, the three financial institutions he was arguing with didn’t like him. I don’t think that’s true. It became of story of Heads I win, and Tails you lose. He doesn’t have a Ph.D. for nothing. He is a very smart man and is feathering his nest and didn’t want be in the hot seat during Greece’s financial collapse.

Although his public stance was to help the Greek public by getting out of the way, I think that the truth is (as I suspect how politicians, globally operate) is that he has accomplished something in the background that no one has talked about.

He is now famous, will be soon working on his best selling book (number twelve in his English writing career)  and will be giving very high paid speeches for years to come.

I doubt that his published books on economics have sold more than a handful. Economics is not known as the “dismal science” without good reason. He’ll sell millions of the new one telling his story of how he was going to single-handedly save the Greek economy before he was “forced” to bale by the evil Troika.

I also believe that as he is used to working in different countries, England, Australia and the United States, he’ll come back here and be treated like royalty. That means he’ll be paid a huge amount of money to do what he did before for very little.

The game is about becoming internationally famous so you can sell your pots and pans. He has a truckload.

Don’t worry for him, he’ll be giving speeches about how the United States will collapse in a few years and a global depression will follow. We are just starting to see financial tremors; soon the tremors will become more frequent and result in a Richter Scale 9+ economic  earthquake.

Don’t worry for him, he won’t be investing in the Euro or other currency but the Swiss franc, the last bastion of safety.

Don’t worry for him, he’ll be okay; the Greek people won’t…  and nor will the United States public when we collapse economically and take the planet down with us. The Chinese are waiting in the wings, ready to assume our mantle.

Our house of cards economy doesn’t have to collapse in three years, but our politicians won’t do what’s needed today. They are too busy squabbling like children.

It is so simple to fix, but they won’t pass the single bill to stop our disaster in the making. They will when panic sets in.

It means that they’ll have to do something outside of the box one of these days. The problem is that they don’t even know what the box is, as our government is too busy catering to special interests and planning for their perpetual reelections.

Personal interests trumping national interest. Sad.