Trump’s master plan?

If I was Donald Trump, I’d have a master plan. Here’s what I think he’s up to.
First and foremost, I think that our president is a businessman and thinks like one. Being president doesn’t change that thinking pattern, it enhances it and creates amazing business opportunities.
Because of potential conflicts of interest he has turned over his business interests to his sons, while Ivanka Trump and her husband stay close to him in Washington. Why? You’ll find out during the next mid-term election cycle.
When you see a magic trick, the magician tries very hard to get the audience to focus on one hand while the other is doing the trick.
In this instance, I suspect that his sons are traveling around the world (with very expensive Secret Service protection) doing deals As they are named Trump, (as Ivanka still is) foreign governments are licking their boots and doing extremely favorable deals while their father plays the good cop, bad cop game.
So President Trump plays hardball in Washington, and as the rest of the world looks to America for guidance… and access to the US dollar currency reserve system, they want to curry favor with him.
So how do they do it, that will allow the Trump empire to expand dramatically while Mr. Trump is in the White House?
I suspect that the Trump children just have to ask for any project zoning permissions from foreign governments and they’ll get them quickly.
They then ask the foreign governments to arrange non-recourse very favorable loans to build their luxury properties in those countries.
Naturally, the governments will fall over backwards to comply and at tiny rates of interest.
What non-recourse means is that if a borrower doesn’t pay back the money, then the banks can only seize the affected properties without being able to ask for money from the Trump family.
From the Trump family empire perspective, what’s not to like? They get quick approval for building luxury properties all over the world; can probably borrow close to 100% of the money at miniscule interest rates and if things go belly-up, they walk away without penalties.
If you think that this is fantasy, look to the Trump disastrous investments in the casino business and how his empire almost collapsed. And look to Ivanka Trump who just received trademark rights recently.
That’s the real reason why we’ll never see his tax returns as they will reveal his prior years dealings, and more importantly gives possible access to his family businesses in the future.
He has not relinquished ownership in the Trump business, but just is not working in it day to day.
So our president is a business man, and will always be one. And soon to be, far wealthier.