
You may have missed it, as the domestic press doesn’t want to cover the news properly (they are too interested in advertising prescription drugs to bother with hard news), but the Russians have leaked a “warning” to our government about their alleged capabilities. You can read the BBC article here.
The Russian government claimed to have developed a small submarine/torpedo that will destroy the entire eastern (or western) seaboard of the United States and is able to evade detection! That destruction will extend nearly a thousand miles inland!
The “oceanic multi-purpose Status-6 system” is designed to cause massive nuclear doomsday damage. According to the report it has a 100 million ton, cobalt nuclear warhead to produce the maximum radiation possible and cause massive tsunamis.
It can travel over 6,000 miles at up to 115 mph and dive as deep as 3,300 feet while avoiding being tracked.
The largest nuclear weapon ever produced was a 58 million ton Russian bomb. This one is nearly twice the size.
In other words, this is a doomsday weapon, as the subsequent tsunami caused by its explosion under water is thought to be able to destroy targets are far inland as Chicago!
If two of these detonate on opposing coasts at the same time, the United States is gone and we’re all dead unless you live in the Rockies! If you do, the radiation will probably kill you anyway.
Naturally they can never be used or Russia will become radioactive rubble very quickly. But the purpose of this “accidental disclosure” was to send a message to our government not to mess with Russia.
Unlike all of the countries that we attack, the Russians want to remind us that not only can they bark, but they have a very, very nasty bite.
It looks like the Cold War is coming back, and if you bought Raytheon (and probably any offense defense stock) when I suggested, you’d have made some serious money.
We are living in interesting times. It’s going to get more interesting.