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I won’t even address that George Bush was the perfect example of the need for a new chapter in The Peter Principle. Remember him? He’s the former president who is hiding out in Texas, laying low, hoping that people will forget what he did to this nation, not for it.

I’m not finished; I don’t even  think that Mr. Obama actually wanted to win. He certainly doesn’t do much other than to make the fundraising rounds, give speeches and grin a lot pretending he has gravitas. I think that he can’t wait to get out from under and start making some real money giving speeches, writing books and being fawned over.

No, I’m addressing something that I talked about in speeches when I ran for congressional office. That something is that rather than China overtaking us as the world’s largest economy by 2020, it would happen by the end of 2014. Many people in the audience did not believe it. I was, in fact wrong. The date wasn’t December 2014, it is October 2014. It has already happened; we’re now number two.

China versus USA GDP

And as China continues to accelerate and our nation barely moves, by 2020 China will be twice our GDP size! That’s why the days of the Almighty dollar are almost over, and that the economic polarity shift will occur in 2018-2019 causing an enormous economic failure here. So eat, drink and be merry. We’re in for a rough ride.

Our national problems are that our productivity is languishing, our public is not optimistic and we’re spending for in excess of our income. The shame is that if our government did away with federal corporate taxes, we’d quickly surpass China again. Will they? Not a chance; our politicians are too complacent to make any real changes. What changes they make are for show, and to help them get reelected.

Congress did not learn from its disastrous errors of approving an open ended Afghanistan resolution and War Powers Act under George W. Bush. He was the worst and most stupid foolish president in living memory and it’s about to do it again.

Yes, the president has asked Congress to pass a three year vaguely worded War Powers resolution, but why? He has shown that he does what he wants. He has already said that he doesn’t need Congress.

The resolution’s wording includes meaningless, vague phrases such as – “…enduring offensive ground combat operations” and “…ISIL or associated persons or forces.”

It’s vague for a reason, as subject to interpretation depending on circumstance. Those circumstances will change. It’s our government’s method of lying to the American public using the drip, drip, drip method. String a series of little lies together and you end up with the BIG lie. That’s where we are heading. Again.

The truth is manyfold. The first reason is that he wants to spread the blame when it all goes wrong. In a few disastrous years, the fingers will be pointed back and forth as to who was to blame. Do you remember Iraq and Afghanistan? Did we win those wars or did we just spread more chaos and quietly leave… a mess?

By the time the requested three year authorization will have run out, our naive president will have retired to the adulation of his sycophants, a very large pension, speaking engagements for huge amounts of money and Secret Service protection forever. What’s not to like?

The second is that the real target is the Syrian government regime. When he sends in the “boots on the ground” (that he vacuously promised wouldn’t happen, but part of the drip, drip drip method) they will eventually conflict with Syrian forces. That will be the excuse to finish off al-Assad. He’s the pest who wouldn’t listen when our government told asked him to go so democracy (anarchy and chaos) could spread. Has democracy spread in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Iraq and so on, or just chaos?

Unfortunately for our intelligent, but naive, president Russia is also playing in this game. Mr. Putin does not like us pushing him around, and can shoot back. Their only Mediterranean military port is in the Syrian city of Tartus. They have just signed a deal with Cyprus to locate some ships there as a backup but they like Tartus.

If we get rid of the pesky al-Assad, Russia will lose access to the Mediterranean from Syria. If they send Russian ground forces in to assist al-Assad, “in defense of freedom,” as they have been claimed to have done in Ukraine, then World War III is just around the corner.

The third reason for asking for a three-year resolution is to dump the coming disaster onto the next president’s lap, so he or (probably) she will take the blame when asking for a perpetual extension to the resolution. The focus will shift from Obama to the next president. That president will have to work through our dollar and economic collapse in 2018-2019 as well, so the disasters will multiply.

The Chinese government, now with the world’s largest economy (we’re number two, like Avis), is laughing at us for letting Washington destroy our nation by bankrupting us. They will have the last laugh.

It’s very sad. With a little common sense, as I wrote in August 2013, another simpler solution could end the war in Syria and get rid of ISIS/ISIL/IS soon after. We could fix the problem and not shadow box. It won’t be acted on, as President Obama is prideful and is very, very annoyed that al-Assad won’t do what he is told to do. As the proverb goes, “Pride goeth before a fall.” Our president is in for a fall.

So is Congress (or has gone) insane and approve this war? I think yes. Why?

They are more interested in being reelected and becoming rich, than doing what’s right for our nation. They will approve this using the herd instinct of hiding with the majority. There is safety in numbers.

Even the presidential contenders will as well. None of them will want to appear soft on ISIS/ISIL/IS, who will capture, behead and crucify some of our soldiers to show on social media, as it will get in the way of their political careers.

If you think that it’s bad now, just wait a year. The world is going mad.





The Peter Principle, part II
Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:01:09 +0000

<![CDATA[If you’ve read the original book by Lawrence J. Peter and Raymond Hull that was published in 1969, you’ll remember why many people in power, whether it’s your boss all the way up to the President of the United States are incompetent.

In a nutshell, it describes how a person is promoted based on competency until the final promotion when the new job is beyond their capacity. They are incompetent to perform it, don’t get promoted any more, but get to keep the job.

I’m not suggesting that President Obama is incompetent. He is naive, intelligent but naive, but I am saying that our Secretary of State, John Kerry (D) is a poster child of The Peter Principle. His lack of understanding of world events is harmful to our nation and puts at risk our brave soldiers when we go to another fruitless war or two.

If you don’t think he is in far too deep, just listen to his speeches. You’ll be embarrassed.

The other example of The Peter Principle that comes to mind, is the Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R). His lack of leadership is sinking the Republican Party, and as his congressional tenure is now twenty four years, I think that it’s about time he retired. He’ll get a huge (publicly funded) federal pension and someone else will become Speaker and feed from the congressio