Taiwan is next!

Now that we have informally lost the war, conflict in Afghanistan and blamed it on (what passed for) the Afghan army, as I predicted, and that the CIA is upset for obvious reasons, you don’t have to worry. Afghanistan will be long forgotten in a week, and the only remnant of the “war,” conflict, fight against terrorism, etc., will be the finger pointing by the Republicans and Democrats as to who is to blame. Business as usual.
This is political “musical chairs” at its finest.
I wonder if the soon-to-be beheadings of the Afghan interpreters will even be mentioned, as the news media needs access to our incompetent and lazy, self serving politicians and will be quietly told that the story is over (or else) and only report on the carnage as a twenty-second TV story between drug commercials. If that.
So let’s move on to the next crisis… Taiwan. The Chinese government is, no doubt, toasting our defeat as “stupidity in action,” an example of U.S. “leaders” making really bad short term decisions, all based on future electability. That’s not an issue in China.
What is an issue is for mainland China is Taiwan. Taiwan and the mainland used to be one country, but during their civil war, the opponents of the prevailing party fled to Taiwan in 1949 and now it’s a quasi independent country, supported by the United States. That is very annoying to China, so here is what I think will happen.
China thinks long term, in decades. Our government’s idea of long term planning is… “what’s for lunch.” That explains our frequent messes. Over the past two decades, China has developed a very powerful, world’s largest navy and has lots of nuclear weapons as well. About 260!
No, this isn’t a U.S. aircraft carrier. It’s Chinese!
First there was the Gulf of Tonkin “incident,” the excuse to ramp up the Vietnam war. I think that the Chinese will use a “shot down” airplane by the Taiwanese as their Straits of Formosa “incident” to take over Taiwan. The Chinese pilot will be rescued as a Chinese warship will happen to be in the area! What good fortune!
I suspect that, because our government is in turmoil, they will quickly “reunify” Taiwan with the mainland by sending over ships with soldiers and just taking over the island. Our government will make lots of noise, and will not follow through. Why? If we can’t defeat Afghan “rabble” that are now the proud owners of huge amounts of U.S. made military equipment, compliments of the U.S. taxpayers, how are we supposed to fight China?
So why did we leave the huge quantity of our latest weapons, but not shoulder fired missiles? A combination of stupidity and that the US arms manufacturing companies now need to make lots of new shiny toys (at great expense to the taxpayers) to replace what we gifted the Taliban, nicely wrapped with ribbons. That’s lots of manufacturing jobs, making “good use” of the defense budget and happy stockholders of those companies.
One, they can fight back and two, people will complain that Walmart will not have cheap Chinese products. That will wreck our economy even faster and China will move, solidly, into number one position.
Plus, now that we lost the war against the Taliban, China will be delighted to makes deals with them to get access to their minerals that they want… cheap. After all, they share a common border and I’m sure that China is planning to build roads into the Afghanistan mining areas.
Don’t worry, China will sweeten the deal by offering to repair our military equipment, and learn a lot about it, as well as provide a missile defense system to shoot down our drones. We will continue to kill Afghans with drones, as it’s a quiet way of continuing the war, in the way the CIA likes to operate.
History has many examples of dominant countries failing through stupidity and huge spending. Sadly, it’s our turn.
Do your children speak Mandarin yet? They need to learn. And, in case you’ve forgotten, this is the American public’s main purpose other than voting the same scoundrels into office again and again! You’re the ones sitting down.