Our success in Afghanistan and other bad jokes

I’ve watched the coverage of this “historic peace deal” that reminds me of our disastrous wars, more accurately “conflicts” as our government hasn’t declared war since the Second World War in 1941/42.
Clearly, we can’t lose a war if one is never declared. Clever… that’s our politicians at work being very careful with their words.
All of the wars since, including the never-ending War on Terror, designed to make the defense industry very wealthy… and a good business sector to invest in.
I’m sure that these names are familiar – United Technologies, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin? If you invest in stocks, check these out. They are growth businesses with a never ending supply of government money.
So, like Vietnam, this is what will happen and why. Simply put, we lost but would not and will not admit it.
We thought that the Taliban would surrender and then we could spend billions in reconstruction projects, using US companies. But it didn’t work out that way. Instead the Taliban would not give up and the combined loss of life over nothing has been tragic.
But good for the arms industry, and for the poppy business. The Taliban depends on poppy production to fund their war effort, and our heroin users appreciate the huge increase in supply keeping their costs down.
There is only one key reason why we lost and you’ve never read about it before…
The Taliban have nowhere to go. Afghanistan is their homeland.
It isn’t ours, so they are eventually forcing us to leave. It was a conclusion that the fools in Washington should have reached many years ago, but for political and financial reasons chose not to, and looked the other way.
And leave we will, in the same way that President Nixon declared “Peace with Honor” in 1973 to finally get out before Vietnam collapsed as we knew they would. The Vietnam war could have been over by 1969 but for Nixon’s treasonous behavior, who in 1968 was directly responsible for the deaths of about 22,000 of our brave soldiers, who made the ultimate sacrifice or more accurately, ultimately sacrificed, as well as the huge numbers of Vietnamese from 1969 to the end of the war in 1975.
And for some reason, our government would not let our soldiers destroy the Afghanistan poppy fields, the source of the money used to buy weapons to kill and maim our soldiers and Afghans. Our government could have just paid the farmers cash for their loss of livelihood and spent a tiny fraction of what we have spent wasting our time. Why not? I suspect you know the answer.
So we have a “historic peace deal” so we can declare victory here, get out as fast as we can, have some victory parades and then forget all about the Afghanistan disaster and make sure the press stops covering the country, like they have in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and other countries.
If they don’t stop the coverage, they’ll lose access to our politicians so will look the other way.
The Taliban will take over, just like the North Vietnamese did in 1975 with the fall of Saigon.
Our “historic peace deal” will fall apart quickly and will be followed by the fall of Kabul, and then business as usual for the Taliban. Of course, the Afghan politicians will fly out of Afghanistan with huge amounts of our reconstruction money, stashed in Switzerland, and many will come to the United States, with that money, and be guests on the talk show circuit. At least for the ones who speak english.
I wonder where our next war will be? Our defense industry needs to replenish munitions to stay in business, so I’m sadly confident that the carnage will continue somewhere else. As you can tell, I am a cynic. I have seen it all before.
And all the while, the Democrats will blame the Republicans for losing the “wars” so vote for me, and the Republicans will do the same.
Very sad.