Never let a Covid crisis go to waste. The hidden agenda.

I know that we are all fatigued with our government trying to get us to “hide under our beds,” as “we are all going to die,” or at least that’s what the network TV people keep promoting. But here’s a likely opportunity for Washington to make tasty lemonade from Covid lemons.
As you know the United States has an illegal immigration problem and that our government wants to be able to track us… for our own protection, of course.
The pandemic is providing Washington with an excellent opportunity for our government to solve both problems, without the need to spend any more “Mexico is going to pay” money on our porous border wall. After all, illegal immigrants want to earn money here. No money, no point in sneaking in through our ineffective barriers.
On the other hand, the drugs will continue to pour in by truck, and US manufactured guns will enter Mexico through the “walls” built with holes for them to be passed through.
You may have heard that it’s likely that if you want to fly somewhere in the future, you’ll have to document that you’ve had your vaccine injections, and probably boosters every two years thereafter.
The drug companies will make enormous profits from these boosters in the future, and they can’t, by law, be sued if they kill or maim you. Way to go, Washington! I wonder how much lobbying that took and how many donations?
So how will the airline and other vendors know if you’ve been injected? The problem is that cards can be counterfeited, and I expect that eBay or other vendors will be offering any number of fake ID cards so people won’t have to be injected and yet still do what they want.
They will skewer us by you being provided with an ID card or phone app and an internet based method to prove that you have had a legitimate injection and boosters. Other lines of businesses will soon follow… you want to eat in a restaurant, show or scan your card, want to go to the supermarket, scan your card, want to do ANYTHING… show/scan your card.
In every instance you’ll be tracked. Something similar to the supermarket’s shopper card you use to get discounts. You have one or more attached to your key ring.
So our government’s solution will be a national internet database that all merchants will have to use, DIY or manually to confirm the injections. You’ll have to show your card, or phone app QR code and look into the camera. It will compare your face to your card and if approved you can spend your money. That’s really nice of the merchants.
What our fools in Washington (who’s first most important interest is in being reelected and collecting a very nice pension) will figure out is that this vaccine card can also quickly morph into a National ID card.
So if you want to work here illegally, you won’t be able to as all employers will have to match your face with your QR code using an app. If approved using our government’s databases stored at Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and others, they will receive a green check mark on their phone app; a red X will mean do not hire.
Who needs state drivers licenses when a National ID card will work better to track you?
When I clear immigration in Atlanta I must insert my passport into a machine and look into a camera. Our government keeps track of me… and you. For our own protection, of course.
I’ve written about this before … click here.
And that’s what could easily happen, a back-door to a national ID card and the public will say “Please, please give them to us.” You’ve read it here first.
We shall see. And if you really want to know what our government wants us to do, watch this –