How to end the Syrian civil war
As you know, the focus is once again on the Syrian civil war. A few days ago, many people died or were injured, apparently from the use of chemical weapons. The rebels have claimed that the Syrian government regime did it; the Syrian government says the opposite.
I think that al-Qaeda elements are the likely culprits, so I think that it was the rebels. Why?
1 Even though the chemical weapons used was in the rebel controlled Ghouta suburb of Damascus, I cannot find any reports of rebels being killed, only civilians including many women and children. Why is that? Did they know to leave the area?
2 It is a remarkable coincidence that the attack took place just 6 1/2 miles from the Four Seasons hotel where U.N. chemical weapons inspectors had just arrived. Good timing for the rebels, bad for the Syrian government.
3 The rebels were upset that the news media had dropped the Syria story. Why was it dropped from the daily news? Because the Syrian government was winning, and that was bad press in the west.
4 President Obama has repeatedly warned President al-Assad that the use of chemical weapons would not be tolerated, and that was our “red line” that he should not cross. The Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons is extremely counter-productive for them, especially as it is winning and retaking rebel positions.
5 We don’t know what al-Qaeda brought from Iraq into Syria. The news footage shows the rebels using government grade weapons so I think that it’s probable that some imported were chemical weapons from Saddam Hussein’s era. Do you remember that he used them on the Kurds, and in the Iraq-Iran War?
In case you don’t remember much from that period, the west supported the use of chemical weapons during the Iraq-Iran War in the ’80s. Many European companies delivered the raw materials to Iraq, so Saddam Hussein could make them. Even our government supported Hussein’s use of these weapons against Iran, by trying to block a U.N. statement condemning their use in 1986.
Our government has been trying to find a way to attack al-Assad, so will hope that he attacks us in some way first. Without a U.N. mandate, that the Russian Federation and China are blocking, because of the Libya-U.N. and Iraq WMD frauds, the only way to legally attack them is to be attacked first. You can read about the Gulf of Tonkin incident to see how we did it in Vietnam, leading to that foreign policy disaster.
The use of these chemical weapons gives an excuse for President Obama to punish President al-Assad, no matter which side used them. U.S. government policy was and is to remove him so regardless of the culprit, so al-Assad is officially to blame.
I should mention that our government has our own (declared) chemical weapons stockpiles, supposedly scheduled for destruction. One in the Blue Grass Army Depot and the other at the Pueblo Chemical Depot. The Blue Grass Depot has 523 tons of Sarin, VX and mustard gas. The Pueblo, Colorado Chemical Depot has 2,300 tons of mustard gas. I have no idea about the secret stockpiles that our government plans to keep.
Our military will either use cruise missiles crossing into Syria over the Hadya Forest or that the public discussion of these possible missile strikes is a feint, and our real plan is insert special forces to secure the many suspected chemical weapons sites. It may not work as well as the raid on bin Laden, and I doubt that President Obama will risk U.S. lives. On balance, the cruise missile attacks are more likely.
In any instance, Raytheon that makes them for about $1.5 million each will appreciate the orders for new ones.
I predict that after our cruise missile attacks, there will be repeated chemical weapons use by the rebels “Syrian government.” Why? Because the rebels are mastering the puppeteer model, and President Obama is the puppet. This is the only way for the rebels to get the world’s attention without being distracted by Egypt and other Arab Spring disasters… and receive weapons. They will be used on us later. In any instance, the Syrian government will be blamed again, as that allows our “reasonable” response.
In truth, the facts point to the rebel’s terrorist elements killing the innocent Syrians using these chemical weapons. They desperately need to get some world media focus and to pressure the west to do something. They need weapons, but because of the terrorist elements the Obama administration can’t provide them directly and only offered non-lethal assistance. Why?
Because those weapons will be used against us, and although Mr. Obama isn’t up for reelection, it would tarnish his reputation. Perhaps he values his Nobel Peace Prize for his “extraordinary efforts” to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. I wonder what the “extraordinary efforts” were? Double-tap drone strikes? The first tap on the suspected militants, the second on the people in the villages trying to help.
The CIA will give weapons to the rebels, not manufactured in the U.S., even with its substantial al-Qaeda, the Al Nusra Front and related elements. They will ignore that they want to take over Syria and other countries, particularly Turkey the gateway to Europe.
The American public has no idea what our government is doing behind the scenes. Typically, our government’s foreign policy blows back sometime in the future. Unfortunately, our foreign policy only looks to the immediate future, and not decades. The Chinese thinks decades ahead; our government in terms of days and weeks.
As an example, the CIA recently admitted deposing the democratically elected prime minister of Iran in 1953, Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The “blowback” was the takeover by Iranian fundamentalists in 1979 under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iran hostage crisis and Iran’s current ambition to control the Middle East and eliminate, or cripple Israel.
So how do we actually help the Syrian people and end the civil war, something that the west failed to do during the more destructive three year Spanish Civil War? That war helped our enemies to strike the west. This one will as well. It’s not by the weak, dithering President Obama ordering cruise missile strikes on the Syrian government military installations so he can say that he actually did something. Why not?
Because the Russian Federation will almost certainly ship the pre-ordered high tech SA-300VM surface to air missiles to Syria, if they haven’t already done so, and Iran. They will be delivered to its Syrian port, or if delivered by land, through Iran.
If by land, Iran will get these weapons batteries, if by sea only Syria. I’m sure that a Russian freighter is either unloading, or has been sitting in another port, perhaps Cyprus, awaiting orders. It’s doubtful that they are sitting offshore.
It’s possible that our navy will intercept the Russian freighter in international waters under a pretext, forcing a land delivery. See the map link here. The Russian Federation may even loan Russian soldiers to control these sophisticated rockets, edging us closer to bigger problems.
The SA-300VM rockets will make Iran difficult, or impossible to attack and destroy their nuclear facilities. As that will be very bad for Israel, Mr. Obama has a dilemma, while his agenda driven advisers are
prattling arguing among themselves.
Instead, you need to think this through using a completely different way to restore peace, one that will deliver a non-lethal solution, a diplomatic one. If the Obama administration is really interested in saving lives they’ll consider this. If not, the cruise missiles will be launched. Sadly, I’m waiting to see the stock footage of “missiles away” on the TV news.
I wrote about this a few months ago. Read it here or click on this image.
So what’s the solution? How do we help stop the deaths of huge numbers of innocent people caught up in this war. How do we help repatriate the vast number of refugees that have fled Syria and are now destabilizing other countries, notably Turkey the next target in al-Qaeda’s quest to build the new Caliphate?
Here’s what we do –
1 Talk to President al-Assad and make a deal. It may be a deal with the devil, but it’s a workable deal that will not only save many thousands of lives, but will also block al-Qaeda’s ambitions and help Israel.
The deal is that we will block the rebels from receiving weapons and ammunition so that they cannot continue the fight against his government. We will work with the adjacent countries and have our soldiers act as a barrier, if permitted. I suspect that suitable “loans” will help win approval.
I’m confident that these countries will embrace this, as they want to get rid of the Syrian refugees. Turkey has 402,000, Lebanon, 588,000, Iraq, 206,000, Egypt, 111,000, Jordan, 499,000, Iraq, 172,000 and Israel, zero, plus others totaling 1,750,000! Sadly, Israel missed a great PR opportunity.
2 He must not retaliate against the rebels, and have a complete amnesty if the rebels lay down their arms. Without ammunition, they will.
3 He must pledge not to support terrorism, so Syria can be taken off our terrorism list like Libya, and pledge not to threaten or help harm Israel or support any country or organization that does.
4 He’ll get to stay in power, rebuild his country and let the voters decide who will be Syria’s next president.
5 If he does not make the deal, we will support the rebels (causing additional massive loss of life) and have him tried him for war crimes citing chemical weapons use, in The Hague. He’ll be given a fair trial, found guilty and hanged.
I cannot abide our dithering administration. If it wants a solution that’s completely unconventional here it is. Sadly, I’ll be watching for the fruitless use of cruise missiles that won’t make any significant difference.
Shame on our presidential puppet.