Freedom isn’t free, nor is getting elected to Congress

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According to OpenSecrets only one person in two hundred of the adult U.S. population gives $200 or more to a congressional campaign, and only one in a thousand gives the maximum of ~$2,500 allowed under law.

donationlevels2011-2012 election cycle Center for Responsive Politics

Is it any wonder that you don’t have a voice in Washington and inspite of your outrage, that you’re ignored?

I get lots of messages from the public approving of what I want to do. If just fifty percent of the people in the United States who read this campaign website gave just $50, then I would have a lot more money to help me win and fix our nation’s problems.

It takes an average of $1.6 million to win. With your donation I can spread the word to more voters who will make a difference in my races, the voters who live in the districts that I’m running in.

So please help out and give $50 or more. If you want a voice for the public in Washington, then you must do your part.

They say that Freedom Isn’t Free, nor is getting elected to Congress.