My Republican party has caved again!
Sad to say, the party of conservatism, strong values and self-reliance has caved-in yet again to the Democrats and the...
Sad to say, the party of conservatism, strong values and self-reliance has caved-in yet again to the Democrats and the...
While I was making the morning coffee, my wife asked me to watch a drug ad. on TV. She backed...
I support the right for the public to bear arms. I do not object to the purchase of semi-automatic "assault...
In my unsuccessful first congressional run against Phil Gingrey, a cornerstone of my message was to lower or eliminate the...
I cleaned out the trunk of my car a few days ago and found an old Wall Street Journal dated...
In 1854, Henry David Thoreau wrote A Life in the Woods. One sentence has always stuck with me - "The...
In July 2012, CBS's 60 Minutes program had a segment on two young Afghan women being trained in Texas as...
Both the Republicans and Democrats are locked in a no-win struggle, as both sides will not give in to the...
Why is the public being worked into a frenzy about the "end of the world" that will occur on January...
In the next few years our soldiers will be killed by drone strikes. The reason why is buried in history...