100% sound advice
It has been said that our government gives us 100% sound advice. I would suggest that it's 95% sound and...
It has been said that our government gives us 100% sound advice. I would suggest that it's 95% sound and...
J.F.K. (not the original) has done it again. His single remark has thwarted President Obama. His comments were validated by...
Unfortunately the public has become weary of the staggered release of Edward Snowden information, about how our government is spying...
I am closely following the new road-map to war that President Obama claims is a slap on the wrist of...
Read part one of this saga here or click the image below. Almost immediately after John F. Kerry (not JFK)...
John F. Kerry, our Secretary of State, gave an impassioned speech about the evil Syrian regime, written by a very...
Editor's note. The national debt as of March 2020, is twenty three and a half trillion. With the latest panic...
As you know, the focus is once again on the Syrian civil war. A few days ago, many people died...
If you follow the Middle-East news you'll be closely watching the unfolding events in Egypt. You cannot depend on our...
This morning I read about the Lavabit company shutting down. This company, owned by Ladar Levisonis, is reported to have hosted...