John F. Kerry has screwed up the plan

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J.F.K. (not the original) has done it again. His single remark has thwarted President Obama. His comments were validated by the Russian foreign minister, Mr. Lavrov and the Syrian government regime, as a “solution” to any possibility of new alleged regime chemical weapons attacks.

That has fouled up our president’s plans to assist the rebels, including the anti-U.S. and Israel embedded al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front, the Syrian Islamic Front, the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front, the al-Tahwid Brigade, the Islamic State of Iraq including the Levant and others from taking over Syria and linking with Iraq to form the foundation of a new Caliphate.

As you can see from this clip, a reporter asked if there was anything al-Assad could do to stop the imminent bombing campaign. Secretary of State Kerry said that the Syrian government regime had to surrender their chemical weapons, an estimated 1,000 tons. For reference, we had about 31,000 tons, most destroyed and have about 3,000 tons left. Eventually, all admitted chemical weapons stockpiles will be destroyed.

It has also fouled up the faltering “yes” vote in the Senate, and the slight possibility of a “yes” vote in the House of Representatives. A “no” vote will have prompted a constitutional crisis about who has the power to go to war; the legislative or executive branch of our government. That will not happen as the president will never again seek approval, as it will fail.

The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, has also postponed an initial vote on approving the pinprick massive bombing campaign, as planned by our vacillating president.

President Obama is doing his best to pretend that he is ahead of the game, but has to be furious with J.F.K.. For some reason, when he threw him under the bus a week ago, he didn’t stay there. It’s clearly possible that Mr. Kerry will resign, citing his wife’s bad health and, as I wrote last year, the hawkish Susan Rice will finally get the job.

We are witnessing history, perpendicular revisioning history. Historical facts are being woven into speeches so our administration can attempt to take credit for the changes. In fact, the president is behind the curve, pretending that he is not.

His speech writers must be working overtime to give him a reasonable speech to deliver tonight. It will be interesting, but probably pointless.

Even worse, Saudi Arabia has expressed interest in paying for our attack as they know that we will do their dirtywork.

While this theater is playing out, the Russian Federation, France and Syria will all be praised, while our president and his prattling advisers will be laughed at for their attempts to edit facts. Even France, our sole advocate and supporter is backing away from their military support. Why? Because they know it will be a disaster, and they are afraid that the U.N report may state that the chemical weapons used were “home made” meaning not government grade.

Our president’s plan is not entirely ruined. There is a reasonable chance that, I posit, the real perpetrators of the chemical attack in which not one enemy fighter was killed will do it again. President Obama will claim that al-Assad had some secret reserves and used them. I doubt that the Congress will get to vote the next time.

Our president has almost certainly sealed his historical fate as a naive and weak leader. Let’s see how this pantomime, or Brian Rix farce will play out.

The underlying tragedy is that even if Syria releases control of its chemical weapons to our government’s satisfaction, the civil war will drag on and on until the rebel/al-Qaeda elements are defeated. It may take years, and many more thousands of innocent civilians deaths until it’s over.

Maybe someone in Washington needs to read about my solution, and that it’s not okay to continue this war with conventional weapons – blowing people to pieces, burning them alive with Napalm,  machine gunning them and so on. President Obama seems to be okay with that as.long as chemical weapons stay on the sidelines.