Another nail in America’s coffin!
Now that the show impeachment trial our former pyrrhic President Trump, is over, with its foregone conclusion, what's next? Mr....
Now that the show impeachment trial our former pyrrhic President Trump, is over, with its foregone conclusion, what's next? Mr....
Marjorie Taylor Greene has accomplished her goal after being sworn in as a congresswoman last month! And what was that?...
The Atlanta, Georgia based CDC has done it again. I wrote before about the agency's bad (what passes for) decisions in...
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king’s horses and all the king’s...
Now that our feckless Dear Leader, in German - Lieber Führer, will be forcibly removed from the White House soon,...
It is often said in the United States that ... " we are a nation of laws..." The unspoken part...
It goes without saying that our election system is ridiculously corrupt. That primary elections are one significant source of corruption...
It's simple. 1 Forfeit their pensions if they stay in office in Washington, feeding at the public trough, for...
No, the CDC graphic is not coronavirus. It's plain old flu! Part One I looked at the CDC report on...
Part Two So other than the 24 hours news people talking about little else but the coronavirus, what is going...