Another nail in America’s coffin!

Now that the show impeachment trial our former pyrrhic President Trump, is over, with its foregone conclusion, what’s next?
Mr. Trump has already said that he’ll continue the “fight,” as well as attacking the few Republican Senators who voted against him, by forming another party so he can get his revenge. He also hopes that staying politically relevant will stop his indictment and state prosecution in New York. He hopes.
But first things first…
He loves revenge. And what revenge will that be?
He will divide the Republican voting public, as there will be Trump Party and Republican Party candidates who will appeal to conservative voters thus splitting that vote, so that they’ll either lose to the Democratic candidates or force a runoff that may accomplish the same.
What that means is that many races will lead to a runoff as no one candidate will win 50.1% of the votes cast. As only about 55% of voters vote in an election, far fewer vote in a runoff. That means the few (about 10% of the voting public), are actually the people who elect our (alleged) leaders. And they will be Democrats as the Republican leaning voters will be divided.
So one in ten voters decide how our country will be “run.” So much for democratically elected representatives. Smoke and mirrors.
In any instance, Trump won’t care. Revenge comes first.
And America will suffer. Another nail in our coffin, while China laughs at our selfish, self absorbed, me-first politicians.
It’s called – Divide and Conquer.
The next step in this elaborate theatrical release will probably be his (and sons) indictments on criminal charges in New York State.
Get your popcorn ready.