The Sequester and other lies
You’ve no doubt heard all about the draconian federal budget cuts now in place, that the world is coming to an end, that the government will be forced to furlough federal workers because of the mean Republicans? That the Republicans are the ones that will cause untold suffering. The list of Republican acts of meanness is endless.
There is a problem… the sequester is a lie.
Have you wondered why after the “sequester” kicked in, in spite of all of the “sky is falling” rhetoric from the Democrats, that the stock market skyrocketed to an all time high? You would have thought that it would have crashed! What do they know that you don’t?
Here’s the truth, and then you’ll know.
If you review the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) budget projection for the next eight years you’ll see that spending actually increases but at a slightly diminished pace as it’s adjusted for the rate of inflation, and increased for non-sequester budget items.
Is your salary automatically increased by the rate of inflation? I don’t think so.
So in spite of what you’ve seen on TV that almost $1 trillion is being forced from the budget over the next eight years, it will actually increase by $110 billion!
As you can see from the CBO tabular chart for example, the Department of Defense’s budget will grow by 24%, rather than shrink as you’ve been led to believe. You’ll also see that while you think that our government is winding down our wars, they really aren’t. There is a series of yearly war spending line items of between $90 billion and $105 billion. That’s each and every year. We are living in an era of perpetual conflict.