What is meant by “Paying Your Fair Share”?

Every day you hear the Democrats sling around the term “Paying Your Fair Share.” It is about who needs to pay more taxes, because the implication is that the “rich” don’t pay enough and are cheating.

The use of the words “fair” and “share” are carefully chosen as “fair” is defined as “free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice” and “share” means “the full or proper portion or part allotted or belonging to or contributed or owed by an individual or group.”

From the Democrats point of view it has been transmogrified (to change in appearance or form, especially strangely or grotesquely) to soaking the “rich,” as if they are the source of all evil in the world.

Without the “rich” the middle and lower classes wouldn’t have any jobs, unless they worked for the government.

As fifty percent of the public don’t pay any federal tax at all, perhaps Paying Your Fair Share should mean that the fifty percent start to pay something. I’m confident that they won’t like that!

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