Zombie Apocalypse

If you ever watch the TV shows filmed in Africa, I’m sure that you have seen something like this –
In case, you don’t realize it, you are one of the animals being stampeded.
If you watch the evening news, you’ll know who is stoking fear, anxiety and panic… the media itself. It currently consumes at least 1/2 of the entire programming. In fact, it got so bad that the NBC news anchor Lester Holt had to justify the show’s content, I suspect because of numerous complaints, of the panic (entertainment) news shows he hosts.
Watch for the 30 second clip, about 1.5 minutes into the March 11 broadcast.
You can watch the clip here.
I have never seen a quasi apology on a news (entertainment) broadcast for the drumbeat of… “we’re all going to die” nonsense. And because of the fanning of the flames, people are panicked and afraid that the world is going to end.
It isn’t.
This photo from the NBC news isn’t going to help either –
So we have a media driven panic, the stock market is collapsing, and people are (soon to be) hiding under their beds… but the worst is yet to come! And it will be caused by the panic, not the virus that started the problem.
That worst is the drop in US, and global spending. In the United States, 70% of our GDP, our Gross Domestic Product, is from people spending money. It doesn’t matter if it’s cash or credit. It’s you and me, buying stuff.
When you spend, people earn money and buy stuff. If it all stops, incomes stop and we are in crisis mode. Money goes around and around. It’s not supposed to ever stop.
So you’ll understand just how much money 70% of our economy is – people spending, think of our huge military budget, far more than any other country. It’s only ~3% of our GDP! The public spends nearly twenty five times as much. With that stopping, we are in serious trouble.
That consumer spending is stopping and the US is going into tailspin! Neither our inept (would be) president, or the Federal Reserve will be able to stop it. It’s the herd instinct… and we are panicked.
About four years ago, I wrote about how our economy would crash in 2018/19 but I am about eight weeks off.
I see this as a potentially pivotal moment that our government’s weakness will be exploited by the Chinese to assume control of the financial system. Our country is the leader, not because of our military but because international debts are settled in US dollars.
China wants that to be in Yuan, so it can take over. I think that they have a good chance of succeeding.
We will recover, but it will take time.
As an aside, President Trump just declared a national emergency using a script that he tried to read. Sadly, he got completely lost, and I think needs to take a remedial reading class. On the other hand, he is a self declared genius. I suspect he spells it jeanius.
In 2016, I sent a baby pacifier to every member of congress to get them to stop acting like babies. I did not send one to President Obama as, although I did not like his policies, he was an intelligent and coherent president.
I’m looking for one that was left over, and will be sending it to President Trump. I will include instructions as to use.
May we live in interesting times.
We are.