Yet another lost war, but good for the defense industry!

While our government is claiming that we haven’t lost the Afghanistan “war,” it’s obvious we have. You may have noticed that Congress doesn’t declare wars anymore, so technically we can’t lose one. Clever. We are just in a series of “conflicts” attacking countries that we don’t think can defend themselves.
When China soon “reunites” Taiwan into the People’s Republic of China, our government will make a lot of noise, and then do nothing. Why? China can defend itself, and has a very powerful regional navy.
It means that we’ll sanction them for a month or two, realize that China owns us as they have become the world’s factory, and then we’ll quietly go back to sleep with each political party blaming the other!
I give the Taliban just a few weeks before they take over the heavily bribed, US dependent puppet Afghan government. It will collapse with their politicians running for it. Probably to the United States, while the Afghan interpreters working with our military will be largely abandoned and doomed as traitors by the Taliban.
When the Germans invaded Russia, Operation Barbarossa, in World War II, they thought that the Russians were weak and easily defeated. The Germans learned a lesson as the Russians were determined, lost over 20 million people but still took Berlin a few years later.
Don’t worry, the press will avoid the topic as they don’t want to lose access to our politicians, so when our government sulks and takes its marbles home, it will barely be mentioned on the news.
The only support we received in Afghanistan was purchased with huge piles of $100 bills, (benjamins) freshly printed and flown in in large shipping containers. Our media predicts the fall of Afghanistan as six months or more. Why?
Our government wants to distance itself from the collapse so will do whatever it takes to delay that collapse so we can blame the useless Afghan army. How? Read this and you’ll know where the cash will be going to delay the collapse. Pablo Escobar made offers that few refused – benjamins or bullets. Our offer may be benjamins or drone strikes?
Instead, we will continue to hear wonderful things about how Covid booster shots are needed to increase the profits from experimental Pfizer and other vaccines, that you must take without any risk to the manufacturers. If you take the experimental vaccines and die or are injured, too bad. The PREP Act stops you from suing.
Afghanistan will be very quickly, long forgotten. For some reason, no one mentions that the Taliban are Afghans, and although extreme in their views, they think that we are the invaders. Fortunately for them, our soldiers were forbidden to destroy the Afghan poppy fields, the source of large amounts of money from drug manufacturing for the Taliban (and probably the CIA for black ops.), so the Taliban used some of it to buy weapons to kill our soldiers. Washington in action!
The Russians learned their lesson in Afghanistan. We have as well. Sadly, our government has a very short memory, so will attack another country soon thinking that they are weak.
Can anyone remember when we actually won a “war?” Vietnam, lost, Iraq, lost, Afghanistan, lost, interventions in Syria and Libya, lost. The list goes on and on.
Our political (self) servant leaders, only interested in reelection and large federal pensions, haven’t learned that after spending trillions of dollars and losing countless lives, our soldiers, contractors, and so many innocent civilians, aka “collateral damage” that it was just a huge waste of time and money.
That is, except for the munitions manufacturers who make huge profits from our military needing a limitless supply of guns, vehicles, tanks, bombs, rockets, ammunition, small arms, airplanes, drones and all of the highly profitable consumables for our undeclared wars known as “conflicts.”
So our former commander-in-chief, George W. Bush got us going after 9/11 where Saudis attacked us, by not attacking Saudi Arabia (they have oil) and instead, focusing of Afghanistan, without oil. Barack Obama kept us in, Donald Trump planned to get us out… I suppose, and our slightly incoherent Joe Biden is finally getting us out, really fast.
After twenty years we are trying to sneak out.
I expect to see helicopters on the roof our our embassy soon, evacuating our personnel in the same way it was done in Vietnam, where we lost that one as well!
Editor’s note – August 15, 2021. This is a photo of symbolizing my prediction in Afghanistan!
Don’t worry, the Republicans will blame the Democrats and the Democrats will blame the Republicans. Business as usual.
Another tragedy, but don’t forget to take your vaccines… every year. They will be just as profitable for the drug business as making bombs for the military is.
Remember, American public… this is your job as far as our government is concerned –