World War III, on the way

You may have noticed that the west is still at war with Russia, although largely forgotten about in the U.S. since it’s football season; not so much in Europe as the cost of natural gas, (no longer) supplied by Russia for some reason, has rocketed upwards due to actions of the gullible, stupid western politicians who have surrendered to the new huckster, President Zelenskyy.
From the U.S. point of view, Ukraine’s decent, honest, moral, courageous, virtuous, upright, sinless, brave President Zelenskyy can do no wrong, a man who is continually begging for the west to send soldiers into Ukraine to spice up the conflict; from asking and receiving huge quantities of free, newest shiny weapons, to U.S. tactical satellite targeting support to make it easy for the Ukrainian soldiers to just point the weapon in the right direction and press the fire button when told to do so, and very large amounts of cash.
I wonder where that cash is going?
And somehow, if you don’t bow down to Zelenskyy’s never-ending begging, then you aren’t patriotic. Ignoring that he is leading the west (by the nose) into a global war while he sits in his Kyiv bunker, I imagine he is laughing at how stupid the west’s leaders are. And they are all in!
From our perspective, supplying Ukraine with a never ending potpourri of weapons to help our defense industry that needs to replace them at great taxpayer expense (and lots of cash), our military can also study the proxy war game in Ukraine. It’s better than Xbox.
And Putin (never mentioned as President), the evil, wicked, corrupt, immoral, vile, unholy, degenerate head of the Russian regime needs to go, so the United States is determined to continue the war for as long as possible.
And as only Ukrainians, soldiers and civilians and Russians are dying, our government knows that the U.S. public will lose interest
It has.
So when the Russians get serious about winning the war and its generals stop drinking vodka for breakfast and actually start thinking, they will either stop all cargo ships entering Ukrainian ports for inspections and confiscate the ships if they find weapons. They’ll do it inside of Ukraine’s territorial waters and will have to deal with the “not fair” complaints by NATO and the United States. I’m sure that Russian troops will be happy to use these weapons with some being sent back to Russia for study.
They may just bomb the remaining ports (Odesa at the top of the list) if they discover heavy weapons and the other two to stop the west docking commercial ships with huge amounts of weapons and ammunition on board.
After all, you can’t put a HIMAR in an Uber to have it delivered. And I suspect that the CIA quietly delivering weapons by air is inefficient and risky.
I can imagine that western politicians will become very upset! They will ask how can Russia have the nerve to destroy the weapons on the allied ships before they can be used against Russian soldiers! That evil (Ras) Putin has some nerve.
How dare he.
The west is righteous in its belief that they can do anything they want, since the west is confident that Russia will not use nuclear weapons. Good luck with that!
Eventually, it will.
And if they do, then our government will have a serious problem, since cutting off the money flow through sanctions has done little good. Sanctions only go so far, and everybody remotely connected with the Russian government has already been sanctioned leaving only their pets unsanctioned. I wonder if that’s the next step?
I hope that the Russians start hiding their cats and dogs as imported western food and treats will be blocked! Oh no!
And since the evil Putin had the nerve to reduce and cut off natural gas supplies to Europe, starving their industries and potentially freezing the population, for also sending weapons to kill Russian soldiers, clearly that isn’t being nice to Europe, so the evil Putin must suffer.
What a mess caused by our stupid politicians and the public who blindly support the Ukrainians. Think of the huge loss, and mutilation, of civilian lives lost… because of the west! Those lives will never be returned back the way it was after this mess is over.
This limited engagement started because the President Zelenskyy kept saying that he wanted to join NATO, so NATO forces (United States) could position offensive weapons on Russia’s border, notably nukes like it did near Russia’s border in Turkey sparking the Cuban missile crisis! And Russia’s evil President Putin decided to spank Zelenskyy and force him to run off to California with large amounts of money (tens of millions) that I suspect he accumulated from his $1,000 USD a month presidential salary, and “elsewhere.”
Due to incompetent (too much vodka) Russian (what passes for) logistics, the initial drive into Ukraine was stalled and the west thought that they could mess with Russia, and help our defense industry by providing huge quantities of advanced weapons, logistical support – targeting, satellite, drones and so on to kill Russian soldiers.
If you remember, our military drone strikes targets in the middle-east were remotely controlled and fired from Creech Air Force base in Nevada. I have no doubt that we are doing the same with M142 HIMARS (rocket launchers) that we have shipped to Ukraine and just have a Ukrainian soldier press the Fire button when told to do so. So technically, the Ukrainians are killing Russians. Technically.
Everything else in handled via satellites, remote camera drones and GPS-aided guidance targeting. So technically, the Ukrainian is firing the weapon by pressing the FIRE button when he is told to. In truth, our military is doing the heavy lifting and Russia knows it.
Russia is also not happy that the UK, Germany and other European countries, plus the United States are gleeful to see Russian soldiers killed. And for some reason, Russia doesn’t like it. Really!
This is what the heavily editorialized western press talks about when Russian soldiers are killed –
And when any Ukrainian soldiers are killed –
So the evil President Putin has now annexed parts of Ukraine; received an “overwhelming mandate” from its Ukrainian citizens who became Russian and can now justify fierce, serious consequences on Ukraine. So what will Russia do?
1 I suspect that they will do the same thing that the United States did in Vietnam, carpet bomb. The will start with “military targets” in Kyiv and ports such as Odesa, to stop weapons transfers and start using napalm, jellied gasoline, terrifying Ukrainian soldiers.
Ukrainian ports where heavy weapons may be being delivered, especially returning “grain ships.”
2 Quietly tell the U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, to start blinking because low yield nuclear weapons will be used to defend the annexed, now Russian territory. They won’t deal with President Biden, since they consider him dangerously mentally degraded, suitable for an assisted living facility. He is.
3 If blinking Blinken, doesn’t blink fast enough to withdraw western support, the evil Putin may offer to lend Iran nuclear weapons to “defend” against Israeli attacks, and may position Russian anti-aircraft batteries in Iran and the Gaza Strip to shoot down Israeli military jets flying into Iran’s air space so as to “preserve peace.”
4 The next step will be a high altitude EMP nuclear detonation over Kyiv to destroy the entire regions electrical devices, and not only will people on the ground be killed (by accident) but anything using electricity will be destroyed. So much for Ukrainian resistance. It will be good for China as they’ll be supplying new electronics by the shipload when the kerfuffle is over.
5 If President Biden (in his diminished capacity) authorizes a direct strike against Russian forces, the Russians will almost certainly destroy one or more large U.S. military bases in Europe – Aviano Air Base (Aviano, Italy) Kleine Brogel Air Base (Belgium), Ramstein AB (Ramstein, Germany), Spangdahlem AB (Spangdahlem, Germany), Geilenkirchen Nato Air Base (Neuteveren, Germany) RAF Lakenheath (Lakenheath, U.K.)
I suspect Ramstein Air Force base in Germany since it has over 50,000 U.S. military personnel stationed there, literally gone in a flash, to remind the Germans what happened when Hitler decided to invade Russia in 1941 and twenty-five MILLION Russians died! They haven’t forgotten. And, of course, they want to get Washington’s attention since the conflict may become serious. It will.
6 Then when World War III begins, we’ll all die and Zelenskyy will still be sipping cocktails in his bunker. Hopefully not with Russian vodka!
We shall see…
End of story.