Will you be a slave for 50 years?

Assuming that you live to eighty, the chances are that you’ll become a slave! What do I mean by slavery? Not what you are thinking, that you’ll be forced to work for an individual for very little, but food and board.
What I mean is an economic slave.
The United States is slowly becoming a country of rich and poor people. The middle-class are being squeezed out. They are either being squeezed into the poor class, or are using their brains and being in the right place at the right time to become rich.
Which are you?
I do find it interesting that the public actually thinks that politicians work for them, to keep them “free” and employed. I suspect that the employment part is what’s indicated in the movie clip above. And fhe free part is free to spend (borrowed) money on stuff to keep the economy moving.
Who do you think that gives vast amounts of money to keep the politicans in office? You? How much money have you donated to political campaigns? Zero I bet.
But how is this possible? It’s called being a slave to the banks and probably big-pharma.
I watched this show on CBS’s 60 minutes. It describes how drug companies price their cancer drugs so high, that it forces middle-class people into bankruptcy. Watch it, it’s an eye opener.
The other way that you’ll become a slave is to the banking business. The new business model is to trap consumers into lots of cheap loans with a nasty aftertaste. That aftertaste is that when you can’t pay the loan off fast enough, or you miss a payment the hammer drops on you and you’re trapped in high interest loans that you can only slowly pay off.
The banks will make a killing and you will be killed. Or become a slave. What will Congress do about it? Nothing. As I wrote above, who do you think that their large donors are? Big-pharma and banks.
Caveat Emptor.