Why we are going bankrupt!

In a word or two, government stupidity.
Our federal government’s (alleged) leaders are only interested in money and power. The people matter little, until the next election when the pandering and offers for everything free (if you vote for me) are made.
What a surprise!
Take a look at our debt clock, since 2000 our debt compared to GDP was 57%. Under the direction of our public (self) servants it has spiraled to over $26 trillion today or over 130% and going up fast.
I suspect that it will reach $30 trillion within a year or two! By 2025, it will probably be nearly $50 trillion with no end in sight. Except for the United States as the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth.
Under George W. Bush’s eight year government, our national debt grew by almost $6 trillion, under Barack Obama’s eight years, $8.6 trillion and under Donald Trump, in the first four years, $9.3 trillion. I suspect, that if he is reelected in November it will total over $15 trillion of additional debt at the end of his eight years.
Why? Cutting taxes and increasing spending!
Venezuela, Zimbabwe, here we come.
Don’t worry, the politicians will be well looked after. You won’t, you’ll starve.
Why should they care? They don’t.
Click the image below to see the full debt clock –
The is a comparison of our debt ratios and China’s. You’ll see that we will soon collapse under the debt load as the global US dollar reserve currency will be lost to China’s Renminbi.
And that will be that.
You’ll note that they have only a ~50% debt ratio compares to ours, about ~130%, and their GDP is quickly catching up to ours. All because of the stupidity of our government. As I wrote above, they do not care as they think that having lots of drones, bombs, airplanes and soldiers will stop the rise of China. It won’t.
Unless we change course quickly, your children will need to learn Mandarin Chinese to have a successful future.
Our government is throwing money out of helicopters… trillions of dollars with no end in sight. The Chinese are laughing at our stupidity. They know that our political (alleged) “leaders” are only interested in being reelected and how much money and power they can accumulate at the cost of the American public’s welfare and future. The American voters nod their heads (see below) that all Democrats are bad and all Republicans are good, or vice versa, depending on who they “support.”