Why the Republicans failed over Obamacare again

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As you know, the Supreme Court knocked down the Republican Party attempt to destroy the Obamacare law. That’s twice so far.

I am not a supporter of the Affordable Care Act, a law that provides taxpayers subsidies for large groups of people. The Republican opposition will help the Democratic Party in future elections and these people will likely vote as a block… Democrat.

The low income insurance Obamacare subsidies come from both the taxpayers and the never-ending spiral of national debt. That national debt will destroy our nation soon, I think 2018-19.

Don’t worry… the politicians have their lifeboats ready. You’ll go down with the ship.

What the public doesn’t realize is that our lawmakers don’t pass laws, they pass bills that are signed into “law” by the president and then comes the next step.

The next step, which is completely ignored by the press (and you) is that the regulators interpret the laws anyway they want. The legal system enforces (or not) that interpretation.

The Supreme Court case was a challenge to the Obamacare law interpretation by the regulators who glossed over the exact wording.

The dispute over four words could have been interpreted anyway the regulators wanted, except this was a very high profile law. That’s rare, as the regulators usually do what they want without question or interest from our “leaders.”

The challenge failed. Read my campaign article on this and you’ll understand.

Fortunately the Republican Party failed, not that it wasn’t a good idea to dismantle Obama care. If the Supreme Court would have overturned the section of the law relating to subsides (tax handouts) then millions of Americans would have dropped their insurance. They would have actually had to pay for it in full!

From that moment, the Republicans would be blamed and the disinherited would have gone out of their way to all vote to ditch Republican incumbents and never vote for Republican candidates again. In other words, a short term victory for the Republican Party, and a subsequent disaster at the polls.

The Republican Party is in decline, I’m sad to say, especially as I was a republican candidate for congress and perhaps again. If elected, next cycle I can tell the public what our government is doing to them, not for them.

The Republican Party is so out of innovative ideas that they are becoming irrelevant.

In case you haven’t heard, there are now more under five year old racial and ethnic minorities than whites. That means in fifteen years, when they start to vote (Democrat en masse), the Democrats will likely stay in power most of the time.

The then, completely irrelevant Republican Party will be swept into the trash can of history, like the Whigs, Federalists and Unionist parties to name a few.

It doesn’t have to be, but the Republican Party and its laughable “presidential candidate” talking heads are deaf, dumb and blind. We need change… fast.