Why the media is missing the point about Trump… on purpose

I have no idea why the media is agonizing over the daily “extreme” quotes from Donald Trump. He must be laughing his head off at the media’s stupidity for buying into his game. Just think of the free advertising he is getting for them treating him like the court jester.
I would suggest that the media is collectively as dumb as fence posts. But that would be insulting by putting them into the same group as people who really are dumb as fence posts… many of our congresspeople.
But it all comes down to money. This is America. It always comes down to money. And luck. Winning the lottery is by being, very, very lucky and picking those numbers at just the right moment in time. Winning the presidency is similarly a timing issues, and by having a single opponent who is detested more than you are. We only have a choice between two people, terrible or worse than terrible. That’s evidence of the absolute corruption of our political process. Sadly, we don’t have a “none of the above” box to check. Although not “counted,” it would remind the winner, that they aren’t really winners, just lucky to be able to bury their faces in the public trough for four or eight years and become very rich thereafter.
Mr. Trump is well aware that name recognition is the most important factor in our election process. Voters choose who to vote for not based on policy or ideas, but on name recognition. In truth, the public makes its decisions based on emotions. They package it as reason based, but reason is a wrapper around emotion. And a very powerful emotion is fear.
We have plenty of that nowadays, with IS/ISIS/ISIL “attacking” us, and the frightened public will grasp any straw that promises safety.
Donald Trump is doing what most politicians do. They pander to the edge interests of the party that they are running under, appealing to gut issues that energize the party faithful, and then they moderate (if they win the primary) to appeal to the broad electorate.
So if Mr. Trump wins the primaries (with the media’s foolish help), he will moderate his views as he needs Democratic Party voters to vote for him, rather than Mrs. Clinton. Fortunately, Mrs. Clinton isn’t liked (emotion) so it will be a choice of many people to hold their noses and vote for whom disgusts them less.
It’s the only strategy Mr. Trump has other than to threaten (the Republican Party bigwigs or self-proclaimed muckity mucks) to run as an Independent that will guarantee him and the Republican Party spectacular losses so Mrs. Clinton will win and will show the public that the Republicans are clueless. What does he care? He’s sixty-nine years old and a billionaire.
In any instance, it won’t matter, as Mrs. Clinton will become President Clinton in 2017 since the Republican Party has lost its way, or has become “Lost in Space.”
The public doesn’t understand that their job is to do what they are told, vote accordingly and then file back below decks of the Roman slave ships; be re-chained to the seats and row away. The chaining is the enthusiastic consumerism of our nation. Without consumer spending now 71% of our GDP, and going deeper into debt, the public wouldn’t be slaves. They are, and will remain so.
Do you remember that just after 9/11, President Bush pleaded with us to keep spending? That wasn’t an off the cuff comment; it was a desperate plea.
The banks and our government likes us to spend. They like us in debt.
To quote Clarence Thomas, it stops them being “uppity.”
With the medias’ help, there probably isn’t anyone in our nation who doesn’t know who Donald Trump is. And while the media is wringing its collective hands saying that he has gone crazy, Donald Trump isn’t crazy. They are.
In the past, if you wanted the public to know who you are so you could win a presidential primary, you’d spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising. Mr. Trump has managed to get hundreds of millions of dollars of free advertising, so rather than being ignored by the media they pretend to fall over themselves condemning him. It’s all about the money. Lot’s of it.
That’s what he wants, and the media secretly likes that because they can sell more ads. at higher prices when they have some political sizzle.
We’ve got plenty of sizzle, but not much steak. Our nation is in trouble, and there isn’t anything we can do about it. Keep rowing.