Why the Democrats let President Trump screw them

There are three tenets for being a congressperson or a president –
1 Whatever you do and say, keep an eye on being reelected, and become wealthy. That’s job one.
2 Whatever you do and say, keep an eye on being reelected, and become really wealthy. That’s job two.
3 Whatever you do and say, keep an eye on being reelected, and become really, really wealthy. That’s job three.
That said, I was wondering why President Trump was so anxious to sign the helicopter ~$2.2 trillion free money bill, that will continue to move us to the edge of the cliff. Then we go over.
The Chinese are patient.
It’s a case of full speed ahead into the iceberg, while both the Democrats and the Republicans are on the bridge drinking cocktails and laughing at how dumb smart the public is for having elected them to power, wealth, privilege and “consulting jobs” when they leave office. Don’t forget their huge pensions, vested after five years.
The saying is that “leopards don’t change their spots” and as our president is a businessman, his primary interest is himself, his hotel and resort businesses, his family and somewhere down the list… you. Way down the list. Naturally you’ll hear the opposite; what else can you expect.
As he has been made aware of the bill’s many flaws and huge loopholes that will become evident very quickly, he was was very anxious to sign it as soon as he could. Why? So he could get his face in the public trough.
And, I’m sure he will. That’s his job one.
So I think that there are provisions in the new law that will actually allow him to obtain huge amounts of the ~$2.2 trillion for his hotel and resort businesses that don’t have any customers and are bleeding money.
During the Senate debate, the Democrats insisted that members of Congress, the president, close relatives and cabinet could not get lots of free money IF they owned 20% or more of any business… they owned. It was included, so the Democrats could pretend that the president, and so on would not be eligible. Good for being reelected.
This was included by the Democrats to publicly shove a knife into Trump’s back but at the same time, almost certainly, turned a blind eye to what he would do to bypass this clause. They knew, and chose to look the other way to get some boondoggle clauses they wanted into the bill. And they did.
Who cares, it’s free money!
It was smoke and mirrors, and when the loopholes are “discovered,” they will be shocked, really, really, really shocked that the Republicans screwed them! And they will get away with their lies.The Republicans are no better. They are both equal opportunity liars. It’s what happens when you are corrupted by the good life in Washington. What’s not to like?
Remember, Speaker Nancy Pelosi once said to pass the prior health reform bill so the legislators could see what was in it!
The bill, in the House, was passed by voice vote yesterday on purpose rather than by recorded vote, so that when the public gets angry, that they will, none of our House representatives will have been recorded as having voted for it.
You’ll note that many of our congresspeople went home to escape having to formally vote, knowing that a vote on this bill was due, and some were forced to return complaining like children.
They complained about the airfare cost to taxpayers (ha ha) but I’m sure that some got upgraded to first class in the empty airplanes and forgot to say no. Plus, think of the extra frequent flyer miles they will earn!
The bill was passed based on which group shouted loudest, yes and which shouted no. So, I expect every congressperson will claim they voted against it when the truth emerges. The Republicans will say that all of the Democrats shouted for it, and vice versa. Clever.
Business as usual. Blame the other party when it all goes wrong. Take the credit, once in a while, when it all goes right,
The public will go back to sleep, thankful for the free money that the new law gives them and ignoring being conned… again.
So the Democrats will use this (pretend) clause blocking President Trump and family receiving any money to help their reelection campaigns; the Republicans will use the law to buy votes and President Trump and family will get huge loans or grants by using other clauses in the law to qualify. The Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin is responsible for shoveling out the money. He works for the president and will do what he is told. He likes his ~$17,000 a month job and the almost absolute power.
For example, I suspect that you only need to transfer ownership to a trust so that you don’t actually own your businesses; the trust does and therefore qualifies since you are the trust beneficiary and not the “owner” at that moment, although your control the trust.
Or he could direct Secretary Mnuchin to loan (give) money to President Trump’s close friend that has “financial problems.” A simple agreement, between the friend and the Trump businesses, could be signed to transfer a large portion to the Trump organizations, at 0% interest without monthly debt service payments. When the original loan is forgiven, so is the Trump “debt.”
If a trust, it could be dissolved the day after the election in November if desired, and the Trump family will get ownership back plus a healthy dose of your money. Don’t worry, the public trough will have plenty left for you. The law throws the public a bone or two.
It’s all smoke and mirrors.
Think about it. The reason we have so many lawyers is that after sloppily written laws are passed, the high paid lawyers go to work interpreting them and finding the loopholes and flaws. I believe that the, helicopter where money is being thrown out of the door, law is riddled with flaws and loopholes… on purpose.
Remember, the main purpose of being in Congress or president is to be reelected and become rich.
We shall see.
And, by the way here is your job while they spend your money.