Who’s going to be our next president in 2012?

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Sad to say, I believe that President Obama will be reelected. Why? Because he has the mantle of power by being the sitting president. He can do whatever he needs to, to ensure reelection.

He will. He’ll do it by pumping huge amounts of borrowed money into the economy although it will have little effect; he’ll do it by promising the half of the working public who don’t pay any Federal taxes more benefits, paid for by the few who are achieving by working hard and do pay taxes; and he’ll do it by timing of key events that will benefit the one day that counts… election day in November.

Those key events could be declaring (or not actually “declaring” as it’s out of fashion) war on Iran. It could also be that our government knows exactly where the highest ranking remaining al-Qaeda leaders are living now and will send in a SEAL team or use drones to take them out, “bring them to justice,” or kill them in English.

Obama loves his drones.

The timing is everything. Even if it’s all a disaster, if the timing is good and the bad news isn’t reported until the day after the election it doesn’t matter.

We’re stuck with him for four more years. Politics is about timing.

Mitt Romney may be a better choice to save our country from more socialism, but the lack of money at the end of the never-ending race and the inability to actually make announcements or use the military for political advantage is his key problem. That’s one he won’t surmount.

I think that Mitt Romney will give up so that after President Obama, Senator Santorum will be elected to fix the huge economic mess that President Obama leaves. Santorum will choose Marco Rubio as him running mate to secure the vital Hispanic vote and have a very good chance of winning.

Vote for Allan Levene for Congress.