We the Sheeple

Why not, “We the People” as enshrined in the opening sentence of the United States 1787 Constitution?
It’s because Americans and other nationalities have become docile and actually believe whatever lies their politicians tell them! Imagine that!
In the U.S., for example, there are two main parties – the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Why? It’s to create the belief among the sheeple that one party stands for one perspective and the other, usually the opposite. Either, or.
In practice, it’s about staying elected, keeping the incumbents’ faces in the money trough for a very long time and then “working” as a consultant for companies they did favors for when they choose to quit with a fat federal pension. From their perspective, what’s not to like?
From the public’s perspective they are being sold out. It’s not what’s good for the country, it’s what’s good for the incumbents. I’m sure they have a good laugh over cocktails with their opposition colleagues about how the sheep actually believes the nonsense they spew.
The real reason for two parties, is that when it goes right the ruling party takes credit and when it all goes wrong, they blame the other side.
At the moment, no matter what is happening globally, especially inflation it’s (Ras) Putin’s fault. Food is more expensive, Putin, gasoline is more expensive, Putin, your toilet needs replacing… Putin.
Remember, (Ras) Putin can destroy the planet, and all our stupid (including NATO) politicians do is poke the bear. The bear is waking up!
So the only solution I can imagine is this, since the entire system is rigged to re-elect the incumbents –
If there is an incumbent in a race, do not vote for him or her. Vote for another person.
If there is a woman running, vote for her. The men have done enough damage to the planet, so give women the chance.
If no one is running other than the incumbent, a very likely event, don’t vote at all in that race. At the least it will show that the public wants to get rid of them.
And that’s a beginning. Are you sheeple with me?