US brokered Israeli cease fires and other jokes



For some reason, almost certainly senility, President Biden hasn’t got the message. What message is that? It’s that he must offer fealty to Benjamin (The Yahoo) Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister.

Mr. Netanyahu, who models himself after another “character” in the photo above “negotiates” with the United States for ceasefires in Gaza and Lebanon, and then says no… but we will intensify the bombings using U.S. manufactured munitions and other murderous acts on civilians. I wonder why The Yahoo doesn’t ask Biden to send over  some portable gas chambers, to help Palestinian children, “obviously future terrorists” go to meet their maker!

So what does President Biden do? He sends more money, bombs, rockets and ammunition to Israel to help them kill civilians in Gaza and Lebanon, ignoring the West Bank murders of Palestinians by the Israelis, stealing land.

Biden doesn’t have the backbone, if he actually has one, to say no. That’s probably as he doesn’t want to lose the US Jewish vote that could cost the election next month.

But I suspect that win or lose, our president will continue to lick The Yahoo’s boots until he leaves office for an assisted living facility. They will bring in a dentist to clean  the boot polish from his tongue. It may takes many visits, as it could be really thick.

The world (and specifically the U.S.), has gone crazy. It’s the blind leading the sighted!

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