The Trump vs Un show

Welcome to the greatest show on earth. PT Barnum II vs Kim Jong-un, coming to a theater near you! You’ll see amazing speeches, tales of extraordinary goodwill gestures and then… nothing. As the only thing that speaks louder than empty words is money. Lot’s of it and immunity from prosecution.
As you know, a historic “summit” was just held in Singapore. During the brief meeting, our President Trump gushed at its great success and quickly flew back to Washington to let his minions sort out the details. And details there will be.
And details there are, but our president doesn’t deal in those, instead eyeing North Korean property for possible real estate ventures.
I must wonder that in exchange for economic aid, that the North Korean government (Kim Jong Un) may approve a non-recourse series of loans to the Trump organization to build whatever they want, wherever they want. Can you imagine how much money the Trump company will make? Non-recourse loans are the best. If you don’t pay them back, there are no consequences.
The genesis of these loans will come from US taxpayers of course, the money that our president will give to the North Korean government (Kim Jong Un) for “economic development” in exchange of removing (allegedly) all of their nuclear weapons. Leopards don’t change their spots. Business is business.
Can you imagine that if relations with North Korea are normalized, how quickly US companies will ditch even more manufacturing here (along with US workers) and flock to the incredibly cheap labor pool there. It won’t work as the Chinese will sew up that manufacturing market, this time in the open and not secretly. Watch this –
Can you imagine the language that our salivating President Trump will use if the Nobel Peace Prize goes to Kim Jong-un instead of him? I would not like to be in the White House if that happens!
I can only hope that we see a resolution to the eternal Korean conflict, but as I have written in the past I suggest that the only way is to give Kim Jong-un, his family and close advisers huge sums of money to go away. And take it they would. What’s not to like about $100 billion tax free dollars with immunity guarantees.
I think that if Kim Jong-un, et al stay in North Korea, the (what passes for a) summit will not be quite as successful as we all hope for. Of course, fake news will be to blame. But what a show!
Once again, what is good for Trump is good for America and the world, but not necessarily vice versa. We shall see. Don’t hold your breath. Let the greatest show on earth begin with a roar, and end with a …