Trump and the plastic steering wheel

When I was a kid, my dad took me out in the family car where I sat on the front passenger seat (without a seat belt, booster or anything) while he ran errands.
That was before the nanny state took over. For some odd reason he rarely made phone calls to talk to people; he drove and visited with them. Gas was cheap back then.
I liked to use my plastic steering wheel, with a dashboard suction cup, so I could pretend that I was steering. Once in a while, I’d turn the wheel at the exactly the same moment as my father turned a corner. I was thrilled. “I was driving the family car.”
It’s the same today. Sadly President Trump is turning his plastic steering wheel back and forth, left and right, allegedly changing the country’s direction. If truth be known, he has little or no impact on what actually happens. Congress controls the money, not the president.
The only real things he can do is to start (not declare) a war and sign the bills into law! Yes, he can issue executive orders until he is blue in the face, but the real impact on our country emanates from Congress, not the president.
Once in a while he will turn the wheel at exactly the right time, and then spend days talking about how clever he is. Most of the time, he’s pretending to be turning the wheel.
It’s called theater.
I guess you’re a bit too insightful and truthful, and that doesn’t make sense to the boys in the House.