The secret agenda, part two of Obamacare

On my weekly walk up Kennesaw Mountain, I was listening to a streaming feed from C-SPAN 3’s re-broadcast of an October 3rd, National Journal Health Care sponsored event. The program was a discussion about Obamacare, the “Affordable” Health Care Act.” What frightened me was some comments made by Representative Rosa DeLauro (D) of Connecticut.

She revealed the Democrat’s secret plan for phase two and three of Obamacare.

Obamacare for HispanicsClick on image for video, and watch from 27:45 minutes.

During her comments about the wonders of Obamacare, and how much uninsured people will love it (so they can soak the system, as the sick and uninsured will flock to it) she started to talk about how Hispanics in particular will vote in the future.

She suggested that whichever party (Democrat) fills in the “doughnut hole,” offering Obamacare to illegal immigrants, will get the Hispanic vote. It will be a part of a series of Democrat sponsored bills that will “flesh out” the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, and help financially ruin our nation. It’s called getting your foot in the door. Not just with the Democrat loafers, the frenetic old guard Republicans are doing their best to ruin us as well.

What’s the dougnut hole? When Medicare Part D was signed into law in 2003, it contained a gap in benefits to recipients where no coverage was provided. As you can see from this chart, if you spent more than $2,700 and less than $6,154 on drugs, Medicare Part D did not provide coverage. It saved the taxpayers a huge amount of money.

doughnutholeThat was then, this is now. Obamacare fills in that gap at great expense to the taxpayers.

If you look closely, you’ll find that a legislative goal is frequently made up of a staggered series of bills. After completion, in toto, it’s always obvious that the public doesn’t realize what the jigsaw puzzle looks like until completed. They may be approve the initial legislation but are caught as they don’t know the end game. You can’t unscramble your eggs, and put them back in the shells.

The European Union (EU) end game was similar. One of the obligations of joining the EU, was to allow people in the member nations, (currently twenty-eight countries) to live and work where they wanted. Guess what happened?

You’re right.

The people from the poorer, “less fortunate” countries ran to the wealthy nations especially, if they had generous social services programs and particularly if they offered health care as a social benefit.

We’re heading down the same road. Our Washington legislators don’t see this, and have no idea of the ultimate end game. I do, as they think in election cycles and I think in decades. I was educated in the UK, and suffered under national health care for twenty years. I follow the international news very carefully, every day.

Listen to the future of Obamacare as spoken by Representative DeLauro. Part two of Obamacare is on the way.

Be afraid. I think that in 2019 we’ll be done.

Support my candidacy and I’ll fix the problems.