The Downfall

Now that our feckless Dear Leader, in German – Lieber Führer, will be forcibly removed from the White House soon, and possibly be indicted for fraud in New York State, and that the Democrats have taken control of the Senate… for good reason, we will be back on the road to bankruptcy and China taking the number one position.
The hidden story is how China will become the leading global power, as I’ve long predicted and our “leaders” are grasping at straws and thrashing around in Washington. Each side will blame the other.
Unbeknownst to most Americans, even during the Great Pandemic, China’s GDP continues to grow. Ours is negative ~5%, theirs is substantially positive, ~2%, and will grow much faster than our economy this year! Read this.
And read this –
China to overtake US as world’s biggest economy by 2028, report predicts
So ignoring the gloom and doom that our bubble gum news media talks about every night, and the clamoring for lots of free money being offered to buy votes, why are our self-centered, stupid, Republican senators trying to negate our presidential election?
So what happens to our “leaders” when they go to Washington? Obviously, self interest takes over. The fundamental method to be elected or reelected is public recognition. And pandering to the press to get free coverage is vital.
Our vacuous, shambolic Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler (GA) appointed by governor, Brian Kemp, proved that point. She lost.
And the obviously business first, Republican Senator, David Perdue (GA) also lost because of the combined nearly $1 billion dollars spent during the runoff in Georgia. That money bought massive exposure for both sides… plus a $2,000 free money offer from the Democrats.
Why do you think that both Democrats won? The public has its hands out.
When senators are getting on the Forever Trump bandwagon to stop Biden being confirmed, they are doing it to get press so they can point to how they “single-handedly” tried to stop the Democrats for “ruining the country.” A good argument could be made for the Republicans doing their best to ruin it themselves, but that’s another article.
Why senators are trying to lick President Trump’s boots when his power is slipping away, I don’t understand. The normal behavior is to distance yourself from a failed politician. The Republicans are doing the opposite!
No wonder the GOP is in trouble.
Even Great Britain has announced that they will deny, the soon-to-be former President Trump, entry into Scotland to play golf on the day President Biden takes office in a few weeks. No power, no interest.
So what will President Trump do during his last two weeks in power? Perhaps his last gesture will be to order an attack on Venezuela? His last display of his imagined omnipotence? We shall see.
It’s just a game, and the losers are always the stoic public.
Our national debt has increased from $13.5 trillion in 2010 to over $27 trillion now, heading to $30 trillion very quickly! That’s thirty million, million dollars!
For Whom The Bell Tolls… it tolls for us!
So what can you do?
Just keep rowing the boat until you die, get thrown overboard and become fish food. The fish have got to eat as well.