So much for a neck and neck race… “too close to call”, and other jokes

ec vote


I’m sure that you heard over and over again that the presidential race was “too close to call?” Just before the election I wrote that the real reason for the never ending… we don’t know who is going to win, was based on securing massive amounts of advertising revenue from both sides.

As you know, Trump got FIFTY PERCENT more electoral votes than Kamala (the Kamal) Harris. A close election? I think not.

So don’t trust the media, as the (Democrat) bias is stronger now than I can remember. Listen to both sides and make up your mind.

One thing that comes to mind is that during the, now senile, President Biden’s reign (of economic terror) is that everything is more expensive, and people especially notice the cost of food since they buy it every week.

People vote with their wallets, so Trump (who wasn’t trumped) winning was not as “too close to call” as the media thought… so they could line their pockets with that revenue.

However, two additional ideas –

1   The idea of a border wall stopping people entering through Mexico is a waste of time and money. The reason they come here versus another spanish speaking country is that the United States is where the money is.

If we had a national ID card, linked via QR code to a Washington database that every employer had to scan for “permitted to work” confirmation on a smartphone, the problem would be solved. A Green check mark, employee, a Red X do not employ, a Yellow question mark, needs additional documentation.

No income, no staying in the US. And they would leave without our government shipping them home at a huge expense to the taxpayers. And yes, you do have a drivers license and possibly a passport so you are known?

Before you start complaining about not wanting our government to know who you are… our government knows all about you, so an official ID card wouldn’t be any invasion of privacy. But it would solve this enormous problem, cheaply.


So is the border wall stopping anyone?



The second idea, is something I wrote to President Trump about that would benefit both homeowners AND people wanting to buy a home but cannot afford it.

I simply suggested for him that he eliminates capital gains taxes of the sale of property for his four years in office.

Many owners won’t sell because they will have to pay capital gains taxes. This reduces the number of properties on the market, keeping prices high. With this change there would be a massive increase in numbers of homes for sale. The owners would lower prices because of competition as they wouldn’t pay tax on the profits and buyers would be able to buy.

Problem solved.

I hope he does that. We shall see.