President Trump’s mistake, one that he’ll rectify

His big mistake, one that I’m sure that he will rectify soon, is that he’s the only politician in the family. And in order for the family business to thrive, to become a political dynasty, is for other members of the family to become politicians. They will.
The ideal candidate is Ivanka Trump.
It’s no mistake that Ivanka Trump is now working in the White House with her husband, and that they bought a house in Washington, DC.
Not only are they close to the White House, but are just a few miles from Maryland and Virginia if they choose to relocate.
I think that when a sitting congressperson in Maryland or Virginia, quits, retires or otherwise chooses to leave, you’ll see Ivanka Trump establish her domicile (not residency) in that state and run for the position.
She can buy a home, get a drivers license, turn on utilities and register her car in a matter of days as the precursor to running. When you have hundreds of millions of dollars, you can do things very quickly.
According to our Constitution, you only have to be a resident in a state when elected to be a valid winner.
The primaries don’t have that requirement so you could live in Georgia for example, and run in Hawaii’s congressional primary if you want. It has been done.
She’ll win. She has the money; she is well known and admired and her dad is the President of the United States so he’ll be behind her one hundred percent.
It’s not the president’s mistake… yet. But there is a saying – “No man is an island.” It means that President Trump needs more than family advisors to continue his political dynasty or family business and I’m sure that he thinks of it.
Perhaps President Trump’s real problem is that he is seventy years old, and I have no doubt that when he goes to bed at night he, on occasion, wonders if he’ll wake up the next day.
After all, none of us live forever, and he is at his biblical “three score and ten.”
When you are thirty, you don’t think about the end. When you are seventy, you do.
He will also need her to introduce bills that benefit the country, as well as the Trumps (or vice versa), such as eliminating death taxes, changing the tax code lowering taxes for all without cutting spending (massive increases in the national debt) or requiring productivity increases and other measures.
He can avoid having to deal through Paul Ryan and others who will edit his proposals.
So in order to continue his dynasty, the new family business (where all of the real money is) he must get Ivanka Trump elected to the House or Senate quickly.
Without that, there is a risk that, if he dies in bed and Mike Pence becomes president, Pence will sweep out any and all of Trump’s supporters and family and they’ll all be gone from Washington’s political money game.
So although Ivanka Trump and her husband bought a house is D.C., I’m sure that they will keep an eye on the neighboring states politics so they can establish a fast domicile in the state where she will run for office.
As her name is Trump, she will almost certainly win with her name recognition, millions to invest in the job and fawning fans.
That will complete the foothold for the new business empire, one far bigger than real estate. Only time will tell.