President Trump’s guaranteed way for the Democrats to fund his “wall, fence, barrier, bulwark, fortification, line in the sand, etc. …”

So President Trump has a problem. The Democrats won this skirmish when President Trump cave’d and funded the government for a few weeks. Why? He wanted to make the State of the Union address at the end of January and lambaste the Democrats for not bending to his imperial will.
He wouldn’t want to go down in history as having been denied access to the House Chamber, so the government is funded for a little while. Sadly, our federal employees will be threatened yet again.
Since the next election cycle isn’t until 2020, only the Republican congresspeople in the DC surrounding districts will want to keep the government open. The majority of the federal employees who are suffering and live around DC will have long memories. That’s not good for Republicans in those districts.
That density of federal employees may make a difference to their reelection chances. And as you know, being reelected is our congress people’s number one priority. The public is number thirty-six in that priority list. If you don’t think so, how much money did you donate to your congress person? Zero, I bet? So what influence do you have? It’s the Z word.
In an effort for Mr. Trump to actually get his way, something he has spent his life getting here’s a solution, one that will get the Democrats to enthusiastically provide the $5.7 billion dollar down-payment of the $30-50 billion ineffective, money wasting project. Chump change when we just issue more debt to pay for it, and that 20% of our government’s spending is borrowed anyway, so who will notice?
President Trump has repeatedly claimed that his wall, fence, barrier, line in the sand, etc. will be effective. He doesn’t even laugh when he says it. Read this. But as he is so convinced that it will stop the migrants, rapists, terrorists, men, women and children from coming here. Let him put his money where his mouth is.
Hint – he won’t. But here’s my idea anyway…
I suggest that the Democrats offer the $40-50 billion to fund his project, if he will collateralize his entire real estate empire, that his wall will be effective. He can start with his DC hotel, where visiting dignitaries stay to curry favor and paying homage, and his Trump Tower in NY.
If it is, then he can bask in the glory of getting his way and that he is the great savior of the United States. If it isn’t, he’ll be down to his last billion in cash and the Democrats will be vindicated, plus laugh a lot.
Of course, the devil is in the details. If he agrees in principal, then both sides must agree to the definition of being effective. Mr. Trump will claim that if it stops a handful of people, maybe 10-15 over a one year period, it’s effective. The Democrats will say that no one must get across. Somewhere in the middle is a number that both will agree to.
They’ll never agree and both sides will point fingers.
If President Trump has any real sense, he can pitch this just before the 2020 election cycle, He can compromise on much of the wall now; ask and get a smidgen now without using the collateral ploy.
He can use this sales pitch and show how “selfless” he is by offering his empire for the wall during the 2020 campaign. Timing is important. After he wins again, he’ll say that the Democrats are unreasonable so there won’t be an agreement.
The only day that matters is November 3rd, 2020, the general election date. What’s happens the next day is meaningless.
The chances of this quick solution… zero. Politicians are in it for the power and the money, plus the timing doesn’t work well for our president.
Keep rowing.