President Trump and North Korea

If President Trump has any sense, setting up the proposed meeting with Kim Jong-un – North Korea’s supreme leader, that meeting will take place in Switzerland. Why? Because Kim Jong-un went to school in Switzerland and probably has fond memories of the luxuries that it offers. Switzerland is a neutral country, so is perfect for this meeting.
If President Trump has any sense, and wants the Nobel Peace Prize (he does) he’ll offer him a vast amount ($150-200 billion) of (US taxpayers) money to leave North Korea with his family and be given global immunity for all and any atrocities and crimes committed under his rule. There will be conditions –
- President Trust should insist on the elimination of all nuclear weapons and facilities by allowing U.N. and U.S. arms inspectors’ unrestricted access to the North Korean facilities for inventory purposes, and subsequent removal of these weapons by ship, with a pledge (and ongoing permanent supervision) not to build new ones. I suspect that many of these nuclear weapons are under our US bases, (installed in tunnels, built by prisoners) ready to explode if we attack North Korea. How is that possible? Read this.
- A formal and final end to the Korean war, after about 65 years of a “truce” or armistice. That will annoy Russia, that established the family dictatorship in 1948.
- A plan for rapid reunification of the north and south, to flood the north with the good life that South Korea can offer. Once the North Koreans start to enjoy the fruits of western living, they’ll forget all about hating the rest of the world. South Korea will get cheap labor; we’ll get peace, plus save tens of thousands of our soldiers’ lives in the event of war. East Germany reunited with West Germany and is now economically the strongest European country. There isn’t a reason for North Korea not to become a global economic player.
- Closure of the political, and other harsh prison camps. All prisoners will be transferred to South Korea, and detained there pending resolution of who are political versus other prisoners.
- Elimination of minefields and heavy weapons at the DMZ, initially by the North Korean army and later by the ROK and U.S. forces.
- Insistence on real (monitored) elections in North Korea pending complete and irreversible reunification.
- Provide a transition from a densely armed DPRK to a more moderate level, while providing financial assistance for North Korean armed forces during the transition. Let’s avoid the Iraq fiasco. Provide food for the DPRK population during this transition, supplied by the United States because of the unparalleled level of cooperation.
- An end to supporting groups that are considered terrorist organizations in the west.
- Insistence that Kim Jong-un announce that he has made an agreement with the (formerly hated) United States to facilitate a golden future for his people, will go into exile (probably in Switzerland), and that positive changes will rapidly occur. The North Koreans will love his “wisdom” and be really love it when the money, aid and food starts to flow in. He’ll also be gone, for “the good of the North Korean people.”
All of these components, that I wrote about years ago, could actually occur… if President Trump has any sense. The real question is – has he? I think that in this instance, yes and he will go down in history as one of our great presidents. It has been said that being lucky is better than being smart. Perhaps Mr. Trump will be both.
I hope so.