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This is not a story about the rush to commit national economic suicide, that the Democrats seems to be anxious to facilitate. How? By continuing to spend huge amounts of borrowed money, at an increasing pace, and committing our nation to trillions of new unfunded debt, as in Obamacare.

It’s about a disturbing story I read over the Christmas break. It was about a British Prince’s Trust Macquarie Youth Index study of young people’s feelings about their future. It makes for grim reading. Read the story here.

In a nutshell, they interviewed 2,161 16-25 year old people, working and non-working. One third had considered suicide, and forty percent had harmed themselves! That’s the equivalent of over 750,000 people who have given up on life!

I talk to young people here and I think that the percentages are similar. Very few of them are hopeful for the future. Why? They think that Washington is screwing them; their won’t be many well paying jobs, they’ll have a lifetime of debt and that they are being used by the system.

That has to change. The young are our future. When I was in my twenties, I thought that the world was my oyster. People don’t think like that any more. I have to work to change that perception, especially as I think that unless we make some serious changes by ~2018-2019, we’ll be in for a financial collapse, the likes of which will make this recession look like boom times.