Our amazing border wall and other jokes!

The amazing southern border wall that was recently built at a taxpayer boondoggle expense of “only” fifteen thousand million dollars or $15 billion has only helped the contractors make huge profits but have this result –
So this is the result of thousands of millions of (borrowed) dollars spent by our government versus twenty dollars spent building a homemade ladder. Who wins?
And don’t forget the wall is nothing but a series of posts so weapons can be passed through into Mexico and drugs passed into the U.S.. That’s good for the U.S. weapons manufacturers and the Mexican cartels. What’s not to like from their perspective?
So if it’s too much trouble to climb over the wall, just use simple lithium powered tools to cut through them. In March 2021, the smugglers cut a hole big enough for two trucks to drive through! Read how it’s done here.
But if you want to read about how to really solve the problem, read this article.
Way to go, U.S. government! We are a great country in spite of our government, not because of it.