On this election day, a story about Quetzalcoatl, the serpent God

I love visiting pyramids in Mexico. In particular, the amazing pyramids of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan just outside of the huge Mexico City metropolis, a city that dwarfs the New York city metropolitan area!
On a recent trip, I went to a rarely visited site, where the Huastec people of the central Mexico highlands, eventually conquered by the Aztecs, lived and practiced an unusual ritual, that when I heard about it I thought it would be good idea if it was imported to Washington, DC!
The Huastec people lived in the central highlands of Mexico, and they had an unusual practice. Just like us, they elected leaders, their politicians, to guide the people to a more prosperous future.
But just like our government in Washington, DC, the politicians became too interested in lining their pockets and keeping their faces in the public (what they used for) money trough.
Back then, the Huastecs worshipped the serpent God, Quetzalcoatl. The serpent god was revered and “demanded” obedience and to be well fed, by sacrificed human hearts being fed into its stone mouth!
So the Huastec people decided that when their politicians lied to them they would sacrifice them to Quetzalcoatl atop of their sacrificial pyramid!
What an honor!
So do you know what happened? They ran out of politicians, and Quetzalcoatl starved!
It’s hard to imagine… what a good idea the Huastecs had! Imagine that this practice was used worldwide?
There would be very, very few politicians… anywhere!