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I was on a radio talk show in Chicago a few days ago. One of the two hosts was aggressively trying to figure out my hidden agenda, and was frustrated as I truthfully answered each question thrown at me.

In fact, I don’t have a hidden agenda. I have nothing to hide. The truth trumps all. Many candidates do have a hidden agenda… becoming rich. When you run for office you discover the many agendas’ hidden and otherwise on the race to victory.

What the other candidates find is that I don’t have a political history, so they can’t mud sling. There isn’t any to sling anyway.

You will never finish this article if I discuss the over eight hidden agendas that politicians have who run for high office in one article.  I’m going to start a series with this one and, from time to time, add additional articles. Here’s the first –

Setting up a family dynasty. The well known examples are the Bush family, the Kennedys, the (Ron) Pauls, the Clintons, the Cheneys and many more. Once a person in a family has seized a political opportunity, power, wealth and (maybe) stature associated with their position they pass on the know-how, unused campaign funds (thanks to John McCain and Russ Feingold) and the connections to their children and siblings.

It becomes a family business to rule America. And they do.

If you study the use of accumulated campaign funds when a congressperson retires you’ll find that there isn’t a requirement to ever surrender the money. So what happens to it? It is invested, and used to sway other aspiring politicians and to fund the family political dynasty.

For some reason, the American public never questions that the same last names pop up again and again, and are mindlessly supported by most of the public. As long as that name says Democrat or Republican after it, the Democrats support that candidate and the Republican their one.

In our instance, as we don’t have any children that won’t happen. In fact, we are discussing setting up a trust that we can place some property we are thinking of buying as an animal sanctuary. We have two cats, and they have become our children and are spoilt rotten.

As my wife is ten years younger than me, she will receive all of my assets (after my expected ~ten years left) and when she dies the remaining money will be funneled into the trust. That trust will not benefit her siblings or other relatives spread up and down the eastern seaboard, nor mine in England and Australia.

About five years ago, I visited the Cobb County, Georgia Animal Shelter. As I used to be a weekend wedding photographer, I offered to spend one day a week free, photographing the animals so that they would be more likely adopted and not put to death. The photographs’ they used were awful, and didn’t “sell” the animals personality.

I said that I’d bring studio quality equipment down to their facility, set it up once a week and take appealing photographs of the animals. They refused unless they could do a criminal background check! Although I do not have a criminal record, nor have ever been arrested I refused, as the requirement was ludicrous so I never got to help the animals.

It has disturbed me ever since.

Now we will fix that. Our long-term plan is to take as many of the unadoptable animals from the surrounding shelters that we can and let them live out their lives in peace. It’s the least that we can do.

If I win one of the four elections that I’m running in, I’ll work to save America from the impending collapse of the dollar and will continue to invest in U.S. stock markets. That will help fund the trust. If we reduce corporate tax rates to zero, the stock market will explode upwards.

If not elected, we’ll liquidate our investments, buy Swiss francs (I used to trade the Forex and watch the currency markets every day) until after the collapse. Either way will fund the trust.

More on hidden political agendas in future articles.