It’s almost time to sulk!

As expected, since the west continues to insist that Ukraine can join NATO, Russia is making its move to take over Ukraine since they won’t tolerate western soldiers on their doorstep. And the west can’t do anything about it. Why not?
It’s because the Russians can shoot back. They actually have nukes with various ways to do serious damage, so we have to be careful and just make some noise.
The United States, in particular, is careful to only attack countries that (they think) are weak. And disregarding that our government has lost every “war” since 1945, it continues with this stupidity. Why?
The US weapons manufacturers need perpetual conflicts to secure ongoing huge weapons contracts. After all, once our government has filled its arsenal, they have to fire off some to make space for more newer versions. Plus when we loan huge amounts of money to foreign countries to help in their “self defense,” that line of credit is only good to buy US weapons. It’s as simple as that. Other countries do the same thing, just business as usual.
For example, remember Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction lies, the excuse to invade Iraq where no country in the west complained about what the United States did? About 200,000 Iraqi civilians died. Did anyone in the west complain?
So the west is imposing theatrical sanctions, not to actually do anything substantive but to create the illusion that they are. Why?
It’s all related to two words – reelect me. Even Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister, is talking tough… yawn. In his instance, it was reported that he had multiple illegal parties at 10 Downing Street breaking his own Covid rules and threatening his job when revealed. So he panicked and has now eliminated most of the Covid rules to keep the British public quiet and obedient. What’s sauce for the goose, is not sauce for the gander.
He is doing his best to distract the gullible British public from his law breaking activities so he won’t have to resign, with his huge pension, and can keep his face in the public money trough a little longer.
Even the Germans are making noise, although Russia provides much of the natural gas they use to keep warm in winter and power their industries. It appears that they are about to block imports of this gas so the German public can freeze, the cost of living will soar and their economy can suffer! German politicians are very clever, in how they are shooting themselves in the feet. Very clever.
Overall, Europe receives 35% of its natural gas from Russia, so the hysteria is just that. Theatrics.
Read this gas pipeline article here.
Now as President Biden is unlikely to run for election again, and will probably be headed home, more accurately to a retirement (or assisted living) home he still wants the Democratic Party to remain in control. Why?
It’s because if the Republicans seize power again, they will reverse Biden’s policies as if they never existed. That’s why US treaties with foreign governments are often ignored or reneged on when the other duopoly is in power at that time. So much for a nation of laws (selectively applied).
So don’t believe what you see on the editorialized, “panties in a twist” hysterical news broadcasts about Ukraine. There is nothing the west can do except to sulk, pick up their marbles and go home.
It’s so sad that the public is so easily distracted from the truth and doesn’t get rid of these scoundrels.